january, 2025
January 16 (Thursday) 6:45 pm - March 27 (Thursday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: A course centered around working with timber. You will be learning and practicing the following joints: Half Lap, Mortice and Tenon, Dove Tail, T Halving, Bridal and Dowel Joint.
Course details
Brief Description:
A course centered around working with timber. You will be learning and practicing the following joints: Half Lap, Mortice and Tenon, Dove Tail, T Halving, Bridal and Dowel Joint. Once you are confident with the individual joints, you can extend your learning by producing a five joint frame using all the skills learned constructing the individual joints. These joints are used in every day joinery projects. Once you have mastered these you can go on to make individual projects.
You will be shown how to use the tools correctly and how to sharpen/maintain carpentry hand tools.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This is a course for beginners. No previous experience is necessary.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will have the opportunity to:
• Identify and name common carpentry tools
• Know how to maintain carpentry tools
• Learn how to use them safely
• Produce woodwork joints
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
If you choose to wear Steel Toe Capped Boots (which we recommend), costs start at approx. £20 from hardware stores.
The wood for the joint practice and 6 joint frame will be provided.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A pencil and notepad. No sandals, or open-toed shoes are allowed in a workshop setting. Hair must also be tied back. You are advised to wear steel toe cap boots in the workshop. Wood for the joints and frame project will be provided.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
DIY Improvers, upholstery or similar.
The Adult Learn and Train office is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£170 (£110 concession). Please call 01223 712340 to add your name to the waiting list.