january, 2025

2025mon13jan(jan 13)7:00 pmmon24mar(mar 24)9:00 pmEast Asian Painting£152 (£92 concession) - Relaxed Oriental Watercolour Art classParkside Community CollegeDay:Monday length of course: 10 weeks


January 13 (Monday) 7:00 pm - March 24 (Monday) 9:00 pm


Parkside Community College

Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1EH

length of course

10 weeks


Course details

Brief Description:

Come along to the East Asian Painting course if you want to explore, in a relaxed environment, a variety of Chinese and Japanese watercolour techniques, such as a study of Calligraphy and how its techniques are applied to painting. You will also learn from a wide selection of past masters and be able to develop your skills in further courses. Group exhibitions are held every two years, visits to galleries organised for those interested.

Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?

No previous experience necessary. All ability levels welcome.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Demonstrate how to control the brush with confidence
• Apply painting techniques – Bamboo, Orchids, Chrysanthemums and Plum Blossom
• Demonstrate painting an original landscape in ink and colour

Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:

East Asian (Chinese/Japanese) brushes, paper and watercolours. (Watercolour brushes are not suitable). The tutor will advise in the first class.

For the first session you will need to bring:

Any East Asian painting materials you have already such as brushes and paper.

On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?

The tutor will advise you on future courses or day schools.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.

Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.


£152 (£92 concession). To book please call 01223 712340 and pay with your card or bank transfer


Peter CavaciutiI have been teaching for over 30 years. My exhibitions include The Royal Academy, London; Salon de l’Aquarelle de Belgique; Galerie Leda Fletcher, Geneva and The Urasenke Foundation, Kyoto. My demonstrations include the Victoria and Albert Museum and Kettles Yard. The Art Group Ltd, London, publishes my work. I also exhibit in Starts Gallery, Taipei. Locally I take part in the Cambridge Open Studios annual event.

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