april, 2025

2025mon07apr10:00 am1:00 pmFlower Arranging: Easter Table Display (APRIL EASTER SCHOOL)£60 - Come and make a beautiful floral arrangement to proudly display on your tableColeridge Community CollegeDay:Monday length of course: 3 hours


(Monday) 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Coleridge Community College

Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ

length of course

3 hours


Course details


Enjoy using spring flowers, foliage and accessories to create a long lasting easter table arrangement. All materials are included for your wonderful easter table design to take home and enjoy. No experience necessary but if you have been before we will be creating a different easter table design. Just bring your scissors.

Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?

No prior knowledge required. Please notify the college of any plant allergies before attending.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Apply techniques to create a long lasting seasonal table piece for the home
  • Know seasonal plant materials to use in your design and how to care for them
  • Learn how to safely and securely include selected accessories into a floral design

Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment

There is an allowance included in the fee for all plant material and sundries used

For the first session you will need to bring

  • Strong scissors – Wire cutters if you have them
  • Bin bag or waste bucket / bin
  • Notebook and pen if you want to record information yourself
  • Camera (optional)
  • An apron
  • Also, a crate or semi rigid bag (e.g. supermarket hessian bag) may be useful to transport your design.
  • You may wish to bring protective disposable gloves for your hands or hand wipes as the plant material can get messy!

On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?

Adult Learn and Train offer courses throughout the year. Eg No foam wreath Sat 17 May 2025

Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sunday’s , you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.


£60 – to book please call 01223 712340 and make payment over the telephone


Helen AllenHelen Allen has many years’ experience in floral design with her creations appearing in international magazines. She won ‘student of the year’ for her ANC floristry exam. Being freelance as ‘Verdila flowers’ she teaches to many different groups and is busy with wedding and event work especially in the summer months. www.verdila.co.uk @verdilaflowers

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