august, 2025

2025mon04aug(aug 4)10:00 amtue05(aug 5)3:00 pmLino Printing (AUGUST SUMMER SCHOOL)£98 - Practical Creative Two Day Course creating original designs and printsColeridge Community CollegeDay:Monday,Tuesday length of course: 2 days


4 (Monday) 10:00 am - 5 (Tuesday) 3:00 pm


Coleridge Community College

Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ

length of course

2 days


Course details

Brief Description

This lino printing course will offer an in-depth exploration of a range of techniques both for multiple prints or one-offs. We will cover safe working practices, cutting of lino plates and basic printing techniques. Learners will have the opportunity to print by hand using very easy to access techniques, producing both colour and black and white prints. Learners will explore how to achieve different results using reduction printing and multi-plate printing.

Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed:

No knowledge required

Learning Outcomes:

On this course the participants will cover:
• Safe working practices,
• Cutting of lino plates and
• Basic printing techniques.
• More advanced printing techniques

Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:

There is an allowance included in the fee to cover material costs. You will need to bring an apron. You are advised to have some idea of what you would like to print to ensure more time for printing.
Please also bring a Packed Lunch each day.

On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?

Your tutor will advise you.

Your tutor also offers classes in Watercolour and Oil Painting and a Drawing and Painting course.
The Adult Learn and Train team is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you. Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.


£98 – Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to pay by card


Clive RiggsClive is a full elected member of the Society of Graphic Fine Art, a professional tutor, painter, printmaker and demonstrator with more than 18 years’ experience.

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