september, 2024

September 23 (Monday) 6:15 pm - October 21 (Monday) 8:30 pm
Parkside Community College
Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1EH
length of course
5 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This short Confidence with Maths course, runs for 11 hours, and is for adults who need to begin to learn Maths again. It will help you to feel more
Course details
Brief Description:
This short Confidence with Maths course, runs for 11 hours, and is for adults who need to begin to learn Maths again. It will help you to feel more confident in using numbers for everyday situations involving money, time, distance, shape and position.
The course will be held in centre at Parkside Community College, Parkside, CB1 1EH.
No previous experience is required. Please contact the office if you have qualifications from outside the UK to check equivalency.
This course is key to you finding out about the full year course. It will include introductory sessions on Number, Measure, Data, guidance about which level you are working at and an overview of the Functional Skills syllabus and assessments. Work will be set each week, to be completed before the following lesson. An individual learning plan will be completed weekly with your tutor.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.)
On completion of this course, the tutor will advise about enrolling on the full year Functional Skills Maths course (Entry 2 to Level 2); this runs November to May.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
No previous experience required. Please email the office if you have qualifications from outside the UK to check equivalency.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Enrol in the full Functional Skills Maths course starting in November.
The Adult Learn and Train office is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
Lorraine CarltonI completed my B.Ed in Mathematics at Homerton College, Cambridge in 1989. I have also gained a Level 4 Qualification subject specialism in adult teaching. Since then, I have taught in a variety of settings, focussing mainly on adults. I have taught Adult Maths classes (both Functional Skills and GCSE) for over 21 years.