april, 2025

2025wed09apr10:00 am4:00 pmWillow Weaving: Bird Sculpture (APRIL EASTER SCHOOL)£120 - learn the basics of willow weaving to create stunning bird sculptureColeridge Community CollegeDay:Wednesday length of course: 1 day

Two willow weavings of tall birds facing each other in front of a bush


(Wednesday) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Coleridge Community College

Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ

length of course

1 day


Course details

Brief Description:

Spend the day learning how to weave beautiful willow sculpture for your garden. You will learn how to create a framework for a bird sculpture and a few techniques for weaving the shapes, curves and lines that define your chosen bird.

Enjoy expert tuition in a relaxed and fun environment.

Previous Experience and Knowledge needed?


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn some basic willow weaving techniques including how to build a framework for sculptures.
  • Learn how to grow and prepare willow for weaving
  • Make one bird sculpture.

Extra costs of the course?

None – all materials are included in the cost.

For the first session you will need to bring:

A notepad and pen. Feel welcome to bring a snack if desired.

On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?

Willow making workshops, frame basketry, obelisks.

The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.

Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.





£120 To book a place on this course and pay by card, please call the office on 01223 712340


Karen BekKaren is a basketmaker and willow weaver from Norfolk. Her work uses natural materials and focuses on the therapeutic nature of the craft.

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