Vanessa Ackerman

is an actor ,writer and educator.She has extensive experience in teaching students of all ages and abilities in a wide range of educational contexts.

Events by this organizer


2025wed15jan(jan 15)6:30 pmwed26mar(mar 26)8:30 pmActing Intermediate: Scene Study£150 (£90 concession) Intermediate acting course with group participation.Coleridge Community CollegeDay:Wednesday length of course: 10 weeks

2025thu16jan(jan 16)7:00 pmthu27mar(mar 27)9:00 pmActing Foundation£150 (£90 concession) Mixed level course with group participation.Coleridge Community CollegeDay:Thursday length of course: 10 weeks


2025wed15jan(jan 15)6:30 pmwed26mar(mar 26)8:30 pmActing Intermediate: Scene Study£150 (£90 concession) Intermediate acting course with group participation.Coleridge Community CollegeDay:Wednesday length of course: 10 weeks

2025thu16jan(jan 16)7:00 pmthu27mar(mar 27)9:00 pmActing Foundation£150 (£90 concession) Mixed level course with group participation.Coleridge Community CollegeDay:Thursday length of course: 10 weeks


2025wed15jan(jan 15)6:30 pmwed26mar(mar 26)8:30 pmActing Intermediate: Scene Study£150 (£90 concession) Intermediate acting course with group participation.Coleridge Community CollegeDay:Wednesday length of course: 10 weeks

2025thu16jan(jan 16)7:00 pmthu27mar(mar 27)9:00 pmActing Foundation£150 (£90 concession) Mixed level course with group participation.Coleridge Community CollegeDay:Thursday length of course: 10 weeks

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