October 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the Autumn season!
If you are doing a course with us, how is it going?
Drop us an email – office@adultlearning.education or give us a call – 01223 712340.
The Booking Journey – If you have been attending a course this term, we need your help:
We did promise in the last email that we would be sending our learners the opportunity of receiving a £5 code to take off the fee of a course in 2023/24 if they completed our questionnaire. See the link here: https://forms.office.com/e/sh70xyYnLX
We are always looking for ways to improve and grow and we would welcome your feedback on your booking journey. Please take the time and include any information that you think is important.
Opening times
We’re open Monday to Thursday 9am – 4pm and on Friday 9am – 3pm.
We are also available (during term time only) on Monday evening at Parkside Community College 6pm – 8.30pm (please note we are unable to take payment at this centre)
Wednesday and Thursday evening at Coleridge Community College 6pm – 8.30pm
Saturday/Sunday 14th and 15th October Weekend
Come and join one of our day schools:
We have a few places left on the following courses:
Programme of courses 2023/24
Website Information
For all course information, visit our website: www.adultlearning.education
Other Provision Coming Up

December Weekend: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd December


February Weekend: Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th February

April Easter Schools: Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th April

May Day School: Saturday 18th May

August Summer Schools: Monday 5th to August 8th August

Teaching opportunities within Adult Learn and Train – United Learning:

Adult Learn and Train are always interested about the possibility of offering new provision. If you have a teaching qualification, a subject specific qualification and are interested in working with Adult Learn and Train, contact the office: office@adultlearning.education

We are specifically looking tutors who can teach cookery.

Sign up to be kept up-to-date

Never miss a learning opportunity again

Adult Learn and Train would like to keep you up-to-date with up and coming courses. We cannot do this without your permission.
Complete the short form to ensure you receive information by email through-out the year.