september, 2024

September 25 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - June 11 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
30 evenings (2.5 hrs) plus 5 Saturdays (5 hours)
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year,
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year, (equivalent to the old C grade).
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your Maths qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
General content headings are number, algebra, ratio proportion and rates of change, geometry and measure, probability, statistics. The majority of the course will cover the Foundation syllabus; the tutor will use Higher Tier extension materials where appropriate and the college offers learners the option to be entered into the Higher Tier exams, however this option requires learners to independently study in their own time.
Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5. Higher tier: grades 4 to 9.
The course will be mainly held face to face in centre and runs the whole year including five mandatory exam preparation Saturday day schools. A full schedule of dates will be given out on the first session; we will do our best not to change any dates, but this occasionally happens due to unforeseen circumstances.
New this year is the option to do a blended approach – speak to the tutor if you wish to access some of the evening lessons remotely using Microsoft TEAMS.
Saturday dates: 9th November 2024, 7th December 2024, 1st February 2025, 1st March 2025, 10th May 2025.
The course will be taught as a linear course and certification is available in May/June 2025, the qualification consists of three equally weighted written examination papers. All three papers must be at the same tier of entry and must be completed in May/June 2025. Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Paper 1 is a non-calculator exam; a calculator is allowed for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
GCSE maths is expected to take between 120 and 140 hours of study – you will attend taught classes for 100 hours, and complete an additional 20 hours mandatory content – through set homework tasks which will be marked and are a compulsory part of the course. You will need to spend more time self-studying certain topics to bring your skills up to the required level. You are required to have independent study skills, and to set yourself appropriate goals and targets. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn, and you will be liable for the full cost of the course.
PLEASE NOTE: GCSE exams will take place during the day at Coleridge Community College. The dates are published by the exam board and all candidates must sit the exam then – expect to book leave / holiday from work / childcare as needed. Dates are: Thursday 15/5/25 (morning), Wednesday 4/6/25 (morning) and Wednesday 11/6/25 (morning).
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the whole year course you will have the opportunity to:
develop a positive attitude to mathematics;
consolidate basic skills and meet appropriately challenging work;
apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve problems;
think and communicate mathematically – precisely, logically and creatively;
appreciate the place and use of mathematics in society;
apply mathematical concepts to situations arising in their own lives;
understand the interdependence of different branches of mathematics;
acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively;
acquire a firm foundation for further study.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have studied Mathematics to Functional Skills Level 2 or have a recent GCSE Grade D (or equivalent).
Please speak to the office if you have O-levels / CSEs or qualifications from outside the UK.
You are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of maths levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
Access Arrangements for Exams / Learning Difficulties
The exam board has very specific requirements for those who need access arrangements for exams (additional time, laptops, modified papers). It is your responsibility to provide the relevant supporting documents to the office if you require additional time or access arrangements for exams. Please note such arrangements are only granted for 3 years (by JCQ), and those granted by universities are not valid for GCSE exams.
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
All learners: Textbook – approx. cost £21 Maths for GCSE Textbook: Foundation – includes Answers | CGP Books
You will need a maths set comprising of compass, protractor and ruler etc. but we will discuss this at the first session.
There are higher tier resources available from CGP books, should you choose to study the additional topics covered in the Higher Tier syllabus.
You will also need a scientific calculator – suggested type CASIO fx-85GT PLUS approx. £11-£12
Examination Fees:
Examination costs will be included in the cost of the course.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen, we will discuss which calculator to get.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Progress to a post GCSE course – further / higher education, employment, volunteering or GCE A level.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
Lorraine CarltonI completed my B.Ed in Mathematics at Homerton College, Cambridge in 1989. I have also gained a Level 4 Qualification subject specialism in adult teaching. Since then, I have taught in a variety of settings, focussing mainly on adults. I have taught Adult Maths classes (both Functional Skills and GCSE) for over 21 years.