january, 2025

2025mon13jan(jan 13)7:15 pmmon24mar(mar 24)8:15 pmT'ai Chi 10 Step Form£75 (£45 concession) Simple and compact Tai Chi form. Delivered by a tutor with over 30 years of experience Parkside Community CollegeDay:Monday length of course: 10 weeks


January 13 (Monday) 7:15 pm - March 24 (Monday) 8:15 pm


Parkside Community College

Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1EH

length of course

10 weeks


Course details

Brief Description

This course will focus on a simple and compact T’ai Chi form consisting of 4 ‘modular ‘ elements that can be practised in varying levels of complexity. including a seated version, In addition we will use simple exercises to develop key principles of the art.

Completing a Tai Chi class regularly can significantly enhance your overall well-being by improving balance, flexibility, and strength. The gentle, flowing movements also help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve mental clarity, making it an excellent practice for both physical and mental health.

The course will include tuition in:

  • The 4 ‘modules’ of the form.
  • Combinations of the modules in various levels of complexity including a seated variant
  • Associated exercises (Chi Kung) to explore basic principles, posture and breathing.
  • Stepping patterns
  • An introduction to T’ai Chi partner work.

This is an ideal way to start learning T’ai chi encompassing key principles in a simple and accessible package. Once learnt the form can be performed in a small space such as an average sized sitting room and is suitable for people of all abilities and experience.

Further information that may help you before attending is available in the document ‘Enjoying your first class’ available for download via www.cambridgetaichi.co.uk

There is a health questionnaire to complete before the first lesson. This will be sent out with confirmation of your booking. See also attached here for convenience: [fac_icon icon=”file-excel-o”]Health form

Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?

No previous experience or knowledge is required.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop an overview of the first half of the form and associated exercises
  • Develop an understanding of key principles
  • Begin a home practice for stress relief and well-being
  • Improve posture and breathing

Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment


For the first session you will need to bring:

Loose clothing and soft shoes; please wear flat soled shoes and loose clothing and bring a drink with you. 

You will need to bring your health questionnaire alternatively you can also return this by email before the first class.

 On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?

There are classes available teaching other sequences and further developing the art.

Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.



£75 (£45 concession) Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card


Mike TabrettMike Tabrett began the practice of these arts in 1983. His experience and teaching covers a wide spectrum including meditation, health (including specially adapted exercises) and martial arts. He is a former tutor and Vice Chair of the T’ai Chi & Chi Kung Forum for Health and an Honorary Vice Chair of the T’ai Chi Union for Great Britain. He is qualified in Tu’i Na - Chinese Massage and Acupressure

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