July 2023 Newsletter

It’s the summer holidays  … well for some anyway!
Adult Learn and Train is still open and taking bookings for the September start.

Programme of courses 2023/24

Our new programme is here! If you live in Cambridge, we hope you have received a copy of our programme. We would be interested to hear if you haven’t yet. We can also pop one in the post to you if required. Click here to view the online version. 

Website update

Our website course information is nearly complete. If you can’t find a description, let us know and we will send it to you as soon as it is available. Please be aware that the website design will be changing very soon, if you cannot access the site, please check back a couple of hours later as it should be a short downtime.

Maths and English

If you don’t have your qualification, you’re not alone:
Did you know according to a report by Kings College Londonmore than half the working age population has the numeracy level expected of a Primary School child. And a massive one in four people are put off applying for a job if it lists using numbers and data as a requirement. 

Did you also know we offer short courses to help parents with their children’s homework, Full Functional Skills courses and GCSE courses.

Our courses are FUNDED if you are over the age of 19, have lived in the UK, or an EU country in the last three years and do not already have a GCSE C or grade 4 in your chosen subject.

Don’t wait another year, we are enrolling NOW for September. 

Provision coming up

Our first Day school of the new academic year:
Saturday 9th September 2023
Click on the course to view the full website

To book onto a course, call the office on 01223 712340

Other Day Schools coming up in 2023-24:


October Weekend: Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th October

December Weekend: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd December


February Weekend: Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th February

April Easter Schools: Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th April 

May Day School: Saturday 18th May

August Summer Schools: Monday 5th to August 8th August 

Jobs within United Learning:

Adult Learn and Train are always interested about the possibility of offering new provision. If you have a teaching qualification, a subject specific qualification and are interested in working with Adult Learn and Train, contact the office: office@adultlearning.education

We are specifically looking tutors who can teach:

Cake Decoration


English: Functional Skills

Silver Jewellery 

Other opportunities within the Cambridge Cluster:

Coleridge Community College > WORK WITH US > Job Opportunities (coleridgecc.org.uk)

Parkside Community College > WORK WITH US > Vacancies (parksidecc.org.uk)

Trumpington > WORK WITH US > Vacancies (trumpingtoncc.org.uk)

The Galfrid School > WORK WITH US > Vacancies


Enjoy the summer, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any queries.

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Adult Learn and Train would like to keep you up-to-date with up and coming courses. We cannot do this without your permission.
Complete the short form to ensure you receive information by email through-out the year.