Day Wednesday
Art & Crafts
Computing and Photography
English & Maths
English as a Foreign Language
General Courses
Mind & Body
Foreign Language
Event Location
Arbury Road Baptist Church
Coleridge Community College
Parkside Community College
St Augustine of Canterbury
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
The Fields Children's Centre
Trumpington Community College
September 25 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - June 11 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
30 evenings (2.5 hrs) plus 5 Saturdays (5 hours)
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year,
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year, (equivalent to the old C grade).
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your Maths qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
General content headings are number, algebra, ratio proportion and rates of change, geometry and measure, probability, statistics. The majority of the course will cover the Foundation syllabus; the tutor will use Higher Tier extension materials where appropriate and the college offers learners the option to be entered into the Higher Tier exams, however this option requires learners to independently study in their own time.
Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5. Higher tier: grades 4 to 9.
The course will be mainly held face to face in centre and runs the whole year including five mandatory exam preparation Saturday day schools. A full schedule of dates will be given out on the first session; we will do our best not to change any dates, but this occasionally happens due to unforeseen circumstances.
New this year is the option to do a blended approach – speak to the tutor if you wish to access some of the evening lessons remotely using Microsoft TEAMS.
Saturday dates: 9th November 2024, 7th December 2024, 1st February 2025, 1st March 2025, 10th May 2025.
The course will be taught as a linear course and certification is available in May/June 2025, the qualification consists of three equally weighted written examination papers. All three papers must be at the same tier of entry and must be completed in May/June 2025. Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Paper 1 is a non-calculator exam; a calculator is allowed for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
GCSE maths is expected to take between 120 and 140 hours of study – you will attend taught classes for 100 hours, and complete an additional 20 hours mandatory content – through set homework tasks which will be marked and are a compulsory part of the course. You will need to spend more time self-studying certain topics to bring your skills up to the required level. You are required to have independent study skills, and to set yourself appropriate goals and targets. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn, and you will be liable for the full cost of the course.
PLEASE NOTE: GCSE exams will take place during the day at Coleridge Community College. The dates are published by the exam board and all candidates must sit the exam then – expect to book leave / holiday from work / childcare as needed. Dates are: Thursday 15/5/25 (morning), Wednesday 4/6/25 (morning) and Wednesday 11/6/25 (morning).
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the whole year course you will have the opportunity to:
develop a positive attitude to mathematics;
consolidate basic skills and meet appropriately challenging work;
apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve problems;
think and communicate mathematically – precisely, logically and creatively;
appreciate the place and use of mathematics in society;
apply mathematical concepts to situations arising in their own lives;
understand the interdependence of different branches of mathematics;
acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively;
acquire a firm foundation for further study.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have studied Mathematics to Functional Skills Level 2 or have a recent GCSE Grade D (or equivalent).
Please speak to the office if you have O-levels / CSEs or qualifications from outside the UK.
You are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of maths levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
Access Arrangements for Exams / Learning Difficulties
The exam board has very specific requirements for those who need access arrangements for exams (additional time, laptops, modified papers). It is your responsibility to provide the relevant supporting documents to the office if you require additional time or access arrangements for exams. Please note such arrangements are only granted for 3 years (by JCQ), and those granted by universities are not valid for GCSE exams.
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
All learners: Textbook – approx. cost £21 Maths for GCSE Textbook: Foundation – includes Answers | CGP Books
You will need a maths set comprising of compass, protractor and ruler etc. but we will discuss this at the first session.
There are higher tier resources available from CGP books, should you choose to study the additional topics covered in the Higher Tier syllabus.
You will also need a scientific calculator – suggested type CASIO fx-85GT PLUS approx. £11-£12
Examination Fees:
Examination costs will be included in the cost of the course.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen, we will discuss which calculator to get.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Progress to a post GCSE course – further / higher education, employment, volunteering or GCE A level.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
Lorraine CarltonI completed my B.Ed in Mathematics at Homerton College, Cambridge in 1989. I have also gained a Level 4 Qualification subject specialism in adult teaching. Since then, I have taught in a variety of settings, focussing mainly on adults. I have taught Adult Maths classes (both Functional Skills and GCSE) for over 21 years.
November 6 (Wednesday) 9:30 am - May 21 (Wednesday) 11:45 am
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
Galfrid Rd, Cambridge CB5 8ND
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 9.30 – 11.45 am
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of assessment by the end of the course.
This course will be held face to face in centre.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
- develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
- gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
- develop your reading level and reading comprehension
- write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
- review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
- assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
November 6 (Wednesday) 6:15 pm - May 21 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 6.00 – 8.15 pm. This course will be held face to face in centre.
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of the assessment by the end of the course.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
• develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
• gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
• develop your reading level and reading comprehension
• write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
• review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
• assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
January 15 (Wednesday) 9:45 am - March 27 (Thursday) 11:45 am
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language. This online course is aimed at learners who have a good intermediate level
Course details
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language.
This online course is aimed at learners who have a good intermediate level of English but, because of limited English ability, struggle with certain aspects of their jobs, or even to get a job.
This course is taught online. To participate in online classes you will need an email address, a reliable internet connection, a computer/laptop/tablet with fully updated browser (preferably Google Chrome).
You will need to attend the online course on both days – Wednesday and Thursday at the specified time.
You will gain confidence, improve your listening and written and spoken English. These skills will improve your chances of gaining employment, or to move up into a job with better pay and prospects. Part of the course will be based on the needs of individual learners; and this will be discussed in the first lesson. You will also learn about UK work culture, how it may differ from other countries, and the course will answer some of the questions you might have about the differences between your way of life and what you see around you in the UK.
Your English skills will define the jobs you can apply for in the UK, and improving those skills will help, not only in this country, but will greatly improve your employability and promotion prospects should you later return to your home country.
Poor English skills can have serious consequences – from language misunderstandings that can cause the loss of money or angry clients, to constant embarrassment at not being able to chat with clients and colleagues in a social context or even over lunch! You may be seen as unfriendly, or rude, which is also not good for your career.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again)
This course is funded through Cambridgeshire Skills: See funding eligibility below:
If you are 19 or over, have lived in an EU country / the UK for 3 or more years and are at the right level, full funding is available. You will need to supply proof of identity and full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
If you are not eligible for funding but would benefit from the course, you can attend by paying a tuition fee of £290 (£174 concession) per 10 week term.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
If you have not recently passed the PET exam, an assessment test will be needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment, call the office on 01223 712340 or email
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- expand your vocabulary on topic-based lexical areas
- put new vocabulary into practice and develop your ability to ‘build’ new words adding prefixes and suffixes
- continue to practise ‘fine-tuning’ of pronunciation of difficult sounds and use appropriate rhythm and intonation
- talk and read about up-to-date stimulating topics, using the key words and necessary phrases,
- revise your knowledge of main grammar structures and learn more sophisticated structures (e.g. passive voice, past modal verbs, reporting verbs)
- improve accuracy as well as develop your fluency in the speaking activities
- practise your listening skills, being exposed to motivating, challenging but achievable listening tasks, listening to authentic and colloquial spoken language
- improve your knowledge of British culture, history, trends and values
- improve all the skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the focus on building the skills that are most useful in the workplace and in searching for work
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
The tutor will advise in the first lesson
For the first session you will need to bring:
A notebook and pen and pencil.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The college has many English for work levels, talk with your tutor who will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment.
Anya Rocka
January 15 (Wednesday) 9:45 am - March 26 (Wednesday) 11:45 am
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Description: Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art
Course details
Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art to join, just a desire to know more. You will look at a different artist or sculptor each week, learn a bit more about their life and how their work developed during their career.
We will look at a different artist every week, from a variety of periods including, Joaquin Sorolla, Henri Matisse, Harmen Steenwyck, Mona Hatoum, Bridget Riley and more! Using vibrant images, video clips and a few quizzes along the way, it’s fun!
This course is fun, educational, and always inspiring!
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Interpret a work of art.
- Discuss artworks with others
- Understand a little more about what Art History involves
- Meet like-minded people
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
None, unless you wish to purchase books, or visit art Galleries. There will be invitations to watch Arts on Screen with the Tutor during the year as well.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A pen and notepad.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
From this course you may progress onto the Summer term course.
The Adult Learn and Train team is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you. Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays; you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
Please contact the office on 01223 712340 / to book onto the course.
Lisa FretwellMy name is Lisa E Fretwell. I have been teaching art, glass and textile techniques for over 20 years. In the past, I have exhibited my work in New York, had a touring exhibition around the UK, and exhibited Gallery and non-Gallery venues in Hertfordshire, Leicester, London and Northamptonshire. I was involved involved in the publishing of a new book called ‘Antarctic Atlas,’ which includes my hand drawn illustrations. I am currently making hand drawn illustrated cards to create funding for a Hedgehog charity called Hoggywobbles in Cambridgeshire. Since 2012 I have been teaching Art History, Stained Glass and felt making in Cambridge. I sold some original illustrations with Bonham's Auctioneer's from our book, Antarctic Atlas, at St. Bride's Foundation, London in June 2023. I am now illustrating a new book entitled 'The penguin book of penguins' due to be published in 2025..
January 15 (Wednesday) 10:00 am - March 26 (Wednesday) 12:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description On our Dressmaking course you will be guided through the purchase of fabrics and patterns. You will learn how to make basic pattern alterations, cut out, assemble and fit
Course details
Brief Description
On our Dressmaking course you will be guided through the purchase of fabrics and patterns. You will learn how to make basic pattern alterations, cut out, assemble and fit your garments. As well as this, you will be taught basic dressmaking techniques and make samples to practice your skills. There will be plenty of help with lockstitch and over lock sewing machines, if required. For the more advanced learner, you will be encouraged to make more complicated garments.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
All people interested in dressmaking from beginners to the more experienced wanting to brush up their skills.
Learning Outcomes:
The learning outcomes are listed for a full year – 3 terms of tuition. The tutor will adjust the course around the learners enrolled.
By the end of the course (full academic year – 3 terms) you will have the opportunity to:
• know how to use a lockstitch and overlock sewing machines
• learn how to use a domestic dressmaking pattern
• understand the importance of a well fitted garment
• know how to assemble a garment in the correct order
• learn a variety of dressmaking skills e.g. inserting zips, different seam finishes, pockets, hems.
• appreciate how to use a variety of fabrics e.g. stretch, velvet.
• learn a variety of dressmaking skills to produce a professional finish e.g. attaching collars, cuffs, pockets, button.
• make garments including more complicated skills and processes
• work on achieving a professional finish to your garments
• make more complicated garments e.g. coats, jackets.
• alter patterns
• use luxurious fabrics
• work more independently
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
In order to make a garment you will need to purchase fabric, a pattern and a sewing kit which includes: stitch scissors, dressmaking shears, steel pins, and tape measure. All of these will be discussed in the first session. Each student will also need at least one metre of fabric to make their samples, an old sheet or quilt cover is ideal.
For the first session you will need to bring:
If you have a sewing machine at home you might find it beneficial.
You will need to bring a note book, tape measure, pencil and pen.
I would advise all beginners not to buy a pattern and fabric before the first session.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The tutor will advise you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£152 (£92 concession) Please call the office on 01223 712340 to make payment by card.
Sally TilleyI have been dressmaking domestically and commercially for the past 20 years. I studied at Loughborough College of Art and worked briefly as a fashion designer before moving into teaching textiles. Since leaving the industry, I have continued to take on commission work and teach dressmaking and pattern cutting courses.
January 15 (Wednesday) 12:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
Galfrid Rd, Cambridge CB5 8ND
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written
Course details
Brief Description:
Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written accuracy. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you’ll revisit essential grammar rules and sentence construction, ironing out the errors formed out of habit or knowledge gaps.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is ideal for learners wishing to gain E3 or L1 English Functional Skills Qualifications and want to improve their confidence in grammar.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- More confidence in your writing abilities
- Correct your work and gained more learner autonomy,
- Gained a clearer understanding of English grammar structures and apply them
- Write more complex sentences
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
There may be a course book, the tutor will confirm with you on the first day.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen for exercises
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
If you are taking this course alongside the Functional Skills course it will help you feel better prepared and more confident for the writing and presentation exams.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340 or email
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning:
January 15 (Wednesday) 12:30 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 2:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Description: Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art
Course details
Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art to join, just a desire to know more. You will look at a different artist or sculptor each week, learn a bit more about their life and how their work developed during their career.
We will look at a different artist every week, from a variety of periods including, Joaquin Sorolla, Henri Matisse, Harmen Steenwyck, Mona Hatoum, Bridget Riley and more! Using vibrant images, video clips and a few quizzes along the way, it’s fun!
This course is fun, educational, and always inspiring!
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Interpret a work of art.
- Discuss artworks with others
- Understand a little more about what Art History involves
- Meet like-minded people
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
None, unless you wish to purchase books, or visit art Galleries. There will be invitations to watch Arts on Screen with the Tutor during the year as well.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A pen and notepad.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
From this course you may progress onto the Spring term course.
The Adult Learn and Train team is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you. Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays; you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
Please contact the office on 01223 712340 / to book onto the course.
Lisa FretwellMy name is Lisa E Fretwell. I have been teaching art, glass and textile techniques for over 20 years. In the past, I have exhibited my work in New York, had a touring exhibition around the UK, and exhibited Gallery and non-Gallery venues in Hertfordshire, Leicester, London and Northamptonshire. I was involved involved in the publishing of a new book called ‘Antarctic Atlas,’ which includes my hand drawn illustrations. I am currently making hand drawn illustrated cards to create funding for a Hedgehog charity called Hoggywobbles in Cambridgeshire. Since 2012 I have been teaching Art History, Stained Glass and felt making in Cambridge. I sold some original illustrations with Bonham's Auctioneer's from our book, Antarctic Atlas, at St. Bride's Foundation, London in June 2023. I am now illustrating a new book entitled 'The penguin book of penguins' due to be published in 2025..
January 15 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 3:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This course will introduce you to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills you will produce a set of
Course details
Brief Description
This course will introduce you to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills you will produce a set of basic blocks, using your own measurements.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Previous dressmaking experience will be beneficial.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will be organised in the following way:
Term 1 (September – December)
- Draft a half scale skirt block using your own measurements
- Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
- Draft a skirt block using your own measurements
- Design and make a skirt
Term 2/3
• Draft a complete bodice block using your own measurements
• Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
• Design and make a blouse
Term 3 (last 5 weeks)
• Draft a trouser block using your own measurements
It is not advised for new learners to join in the 3rd term due to the complicated tasks taught. If you have experience but are unsure if this course is suitable please contact the office to speak with the tutor.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment
1. Sewing kit which includes: stitch scissors, dressmaking shears, steel pins and metric tape measure.
2. Paper scissors, Pritt stick, calico, pattern cutting paper (this can be purchased from the tutor), metre rule, square and ¼ scale pattern master (this will be discussed in the first lesson as they are purchased from Morplan).
3. You will need a sewing machine at home to enable you to complete the homework.
4. Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear, Winifred Aldrich. The following ISBN numbers are the best issues: ISBN 978-1-4051-7567-8 / 0-7135-2564-9 / 978-0713-525649
For the first session you will need to bring:
You will need to bring a tape measure, scissors, pencil and pen. We will provide A3 paper.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Advanced course, discuss with the tutor.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
Please call the office on 01223 712340 to be added to the waiting list or email
Sally TilleyI have been dressmaking domestically and commercially for the past 20 years. I studied at Loughborough College of Art and worked briefly as a fashion designer before moving into teaching textiles. Since leaving the industry, I have continued to take on commission work and teach dressmaking and pattern cutting courses.
January 15 (Wednesday) 4:45 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 5:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Pilates was invented by Joseph Pilates as an exercise program for injured dancers and soldiers while living in the
Course details
Brief Description:
Pilates was invented by Joseph Pilates as an exercise program for injured dancers and soldiers while living in the UK. Joseph Pilates believed that physical and mental health were closely connected.
It incorporates exercises to help improve posture, mobility, muscular strength and breathing technique. Each session will aim to build and improve from the previous session. This workout is designed to help participants develop leaner, longer-looking muscles, establish core strength and stability and heighten mind-body awareness.
Class numbers are limited which gives you an opportunity to interact and be corrected by your tutor.
As Pilates can be modified to provide either a gentle strength training program or a challenging workout, most people would have no problem with this form of exercise. In Pilates the chance of injury is much lower than with other more strenuous forms of exercise.
The health benefits include:
Good posture – Pilates will teach you to gain and maintain good posture. The exercises require that your body is always in alignment. This is especially beneficial if you suffer from lower back pain.
Muscle Tone – the exercises involve the use of muscles that you may not use on a daily basis. After the initial soreness, you’ll find that your muscles will be much more toned.
Stronger abdominal muscles – Pilates focuses on strengthening your core which includes your abdominal muscles particularly deeper abdominal muscles as well as lateral/ side muscles.
Flexibility – Pilates will restore your flexibility
Improves your balance – through the mind-body connection which is taught in Pilates you will become much more aware of how your body moves and performs. Therefore, Pilates not only improves your physical balance through correct posture but will also restore your mind-body balance.
Pilates gives you a general sense of well-being – because it focuses on providing balance between your mind and body.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
40 – 50 hours tuition
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Enhance body awareness
- Improve muscle strength
- Learn breathing technique
- Improve posture
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
For the first session you will need to bring:
A mat, towel and small cushion. Please also wear comfortable clothing that you can move in, trainers and water bottle.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Your tutor will advise you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£75 (£45 concession). To be added to the waiting list please call 01223 712340 or email
Mili BojovicI live and work in Cambridge. I run Pilates, Boxercise and Pump It classes as well as personal training.
January 15 (Wednesday) 5:15 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 6:15 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written
Course details
Brief Description:
Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written accuracy. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you’ll revisit essential grammar rules and sentence construction, ironing out the errors formed out of habit or knowledge gaps.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is ideal for learners wishing to gain E3 or L1 English Functional Skills Qualifications and want to improve their confidence in grammar.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- More confidence in your writing abilities
- Correct your work and gained more learner autonomy,
- Gained a clearer understanding of English grammar structures and apply them
- Write more complex sentences
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
There may be a course book, the tutor will confirm with you on the first day.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen for exercises
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
If you are taking this course alongside the Functional Skills course it will help you feel better prepared and more confident for the writing and presentation exams.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340 or email
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning:
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This dressmaking course is for beginners to help them learn the essentials and build confidence. Learners will learn essential dressmaking skills, including: how to use and
Course details
Brief Description:
This dressmaking course is for beginners to help them learn the essentials and build confidence.
Learners will learn essential dressmaking skills, including: how to use and thread a sewing machine, how to use and follow a shop bought garment pattern, to then be able to construction a garment, and take measurements and choose the correct fabrics.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This dressmaking course is for complete beginners with no experience of using a sewing machine or making a garment. People with some experience who wish to improve are also welcome.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Learn how to thread a sewing machine.
- Understand how to use a sewing machine.
- Learn how to construction a garment and follow the instructions of a shop bought pattern.
- Learn how to sew seams, hems and closures, pockets, elasticated waistbands, etc.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
In order to make a garment you will need to purchase fabric, a pattern and a sewing kit. This will be done after the first lesson; we will talk about what is needed to begin dressmaking.
Other haberdashery items, such as zips elastic etc., are required for creating samples but will be advised by the tutor during the course.
For the First session you will need to bring:
- A sewing machine and power cable. The college have a few machines available to use so please do not buy a machine before you are confident that you will use one.
- Scraps of non-stretch fabric for creating samples.
- A notebook, tape measure, pencil and pen.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The tutor will advise you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sunday’s , you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more
£152 (£92 concessionary fee) – To book a place on this course call the office on 01223 712340
Louise BarryLouise is a newly qualified Design and Technology teacher with a passion for textiles and garment making. Her sewing journey began with an evening dressmaking course, where she first discovered her love for creating garments. This passion led her to pursue a degree in Printed Textiles and Surface Decoration, where she honed my skills in screen printing, appliqué, and embroidery. Post-graduation, Louise worked as a print designer in a print studio, where she designed and screen-printed fabric designs and t-shirt prints, primarily for childrenswear. Louise’s designs were sold to high street brands and distributed globally. During a career break to care for her family, Louise continued to create, focusing on garments, soft furnishings, and upcycling projects for her home. Louise is excited to share her expertise and enthusiasm for textiles/dressmaking.
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Train the mind to reduce stress and manage chronic ill-health unwellness by taking time to unplug from a busy schedule and connect with what matters most to you. Are
Course details
Brief Description:
Train the mind to reduce stress and manage chronic ill-health unwellness by taking time to unplug from a busy schedule and connect with what matters most to you. Are you ready to find a different way of dealing with stress and managing the symptoms of long-term health conditions? Would you like to learn to still your busy mind and switch off in order to fully relax and recover? Mindfulness meditation, if practiced regularly, can help you to take better care of your health and mental wellbeing. This eight-week programme will teach you different ways of meditating so that you can adapt how you practice to your lifestyle. By learning as a group, you will support each other to make changes and to challenge learnt behaviours and habits that may be contributing to feeling stressed and far from your best. You will be invited to read the book Mindfulness for Health, to support your learning journey.
Funding information:
This course is funded by Cambridgeshire Skills, so full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
This course may be fully funded if:
You are over 19 years old
You live within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough combined authority
and have lived in the UK / an EEA country for the last 3 years.
Contact the office if you would like to confirm your eligibility.
Please note: this year learners will be asked for their annual income. There will be a certain threshold (which we are currently waiting for further guidance). If the income exceeds the threshold there will be a small fee to contribute (no more than £10), the funding will subsidise the rest of the cost.
If you do not qualify for funding but would still like to attend contact the office for a price.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is open to beginners to mindfulness meditation, as well as those with some experience, who wish to develop practice and confidence. The teaching approach is experiential, rather than academic, and invites learners to commit to practising meditation at home daily, to consolidate the new skills learnt.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Be competent and confident in your personal meditation practice
- Have a deeper understanding of the science of stress and its impact on behaviours
- Exercise the ability to intervene at an earlier stage in the stress build-up and reduce its impact on wellbeing and communication
- Have identified mindfulness practices that best support you to maintain good health and live a good life
- Connect with others to support home-practice and create a social support network
- Practice silence for up to 20 minutes in each meditation practice
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
A small journal will be provided by the course, but you may wish to bring your own personalised notebook
You may wish to bring a shawl or small throw to wear during the meditation practice as it gets cold sitting still
You are invited to buy Mindfulness for Health by Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman, which includes a CD of guided meditations
For the first session you will need to bring:
Learners will need a fresh and personalised notebook, in which to journal, as well as a pen or pencils if you choose to draw rather than write
Bringing a small cushion and shawl/ small blanket will help learners feel more comfortable and warm
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Talk to your health care providers, e.g. social prescriber, about how mindfulness meditation can support your wellbeing along with other treatment and social support options.
To continue practicing at home and integrating the new skills into your lifestyle
To connect with local meditation practice networks via social media
To explore the origins of secular mindfulness meditation by exploring its spiritual dimension, the Cambridge Buddhist Centre
To download an app to support home-practice.
To access other sources of mindfulness support locally
Please contact the office on 01223 712340 / to book a place on this course
David LynchDavid is a trained mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) teacher. With a professional background in teaching, counselling and health promotion, he now combines what he has himself learnt along the way about how to take care of oneself with evidence-based life skills, curiosity and kindness. His training programmes invite you to ask the questions that have the potential to unlock the answers that have been waiting for you to discover about how to live a good life and reduce suffering.
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries). We believe that
Course details
Brief Description
This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries).
We believe that learning is an active constructive process; learning through action! We think that speaking is one of the most important ways to learn and boost confidence, so we encourage you to consolidate what you have learnt through role play and conversation. Oral and written interactions, listening comprehension, reading, oral and written expression; learn to use!
All your interests, needs and goals will be taken into consideration to make the learning experience appealing and meaningful. To complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This beginners course will be in its second term. Learners who wish to join at this stage should have knowledge on the subject areas below:
First Term (September):
- Greet people, give and ask for personal information (name, age, profession, nationality, etc)
- Expressing intentions
- Explaining the reasons why you do things
- Talking about places and expressing existence and location
- Talking about the climate
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the one-year course you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
Second Term (January):
- Go shopping (ask for products, price and express preference and need)
- Identifying objects to organize a trip
- Talk about family
- Describe people (physical appearance and personality)
- Order food and drinks in a restaurant or bar
- Express likes and dislikes
Third Term (April):
- Explain your daily routine and speaking about habits
- Describe your town/city and give and ask for directions
- Speaking about past experiences
- Speaking about people’s good and bad points
- Speaking about skills and talents
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Aula international 1 plus .Publisher: Campus Difusion. ISBN 978-84-18032-18-9 (approx. £15-25)
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen
Learners will be able to proceed to the Spanish Improvers course after 3 terms of tuition. there is no obligation to attend more than one term.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more
£150 (£90 concession) to add your name to the waiting list please call 01223 712340
Naomi ZambranoNaomi Zambrano Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language I am a native Colombian speaker, I have extensive teaching experience, tutoring Spanish for over 10 years, having many successful learners of all different ages, levels and nationalities. I am accredited Spanish DELE examiner. I love travel, art and teaching and music is an essential part of my life. I look forward to sharing my language and culture with you!
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 7:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This yoga class will offer everyone from yoga newbies to yoga veterans the opportunity to develop and
Course details
Brief Description:
This yoga class will offer everyone from yoga newbies to yoga veterans the opportunity to develop and try new things. The class will focus on mobility, body awareness and the more technical elements of yoga with a large emphasis on correct alignment. Each class starts with gentle movement and breath exercises and works into a section of more physical demand to warm up the body before relaxing into some deep stretches on the mat. The class finishes with an extended period relaxation. You will find the mix of slow and fast paced practice offers the perfect balance between gentle exertion and quiet stillness.
There is a health questionnaire to complete before the first lesson. This will be sent out with confirmation of your booking. See also attached here for convenience: Health form
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
None – this course is for everyone from absolute beginners to veteran yogis.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- Increased body awareness
- Knowledge and understanding of basic yoga poses
- Increased flexibility
- Better connection to the breath and relaxation techniques
Extra Costs:
Please provide your own yoga mat.
For the first session please bring:
Please come wearing comfortable clothes and with your own yoga mat. Water bottle and towel if desired.
On Completion of this course what might your next steps be?
The tutor offers many variations throughout the course so term to term will offer you areas of development regardless of the level of the course.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£75 (£45 concession) Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to be added to the waiting list.
Hannah FranicevicHannah has been teaching yoga for the last 6 years. She started her yoga journey in New Zealand teaching at bootcamps working with people completely new to flexibility and yoga. She has since taught privately and in studios across the world working with people to help them increase not just their flexibility but strength. Her speciality is teaching yoga from a more technical perspective with a large focus on correct alignment, active stretches and movements and stability.

January 15 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This course is suitable for you if you are a beginner with little musical knowledge or experience (approximately 20 hours experience). Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing
Course details
Brief Description
This course is suitable for you if you are a beginner with little musical knowledge or experience (approximately 20 hours experience). Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar music. The course will provide an introduction to reading music and tablature, successful tuning and replacing strings, playing/performance techniques and building a repertoire of songs and exercises. You will need to bring your own guitar to classes.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Skills attained in Guitar Beginners 1
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course the participants will be able to:
• To read music to the 2nd level/reading music with two voices
• To play barre chords and learn how to find inversions of major, minor and 7th chords
• To increase repertoire of tablature riffs and songs
• Play chord progressions to well-known songs
• Develop skills in picking and strumming techniques
• Play major and minor scales with a mind to improvise.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Cost of a method book available from the tutor at the first session. Approximate cost £6.00
For the first session you will need to bring:
One working guitar; acoustic, classical or steel string.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Guitar Beginners 3.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) Please call the office on 01223 712340 to pay with your card.
James FreeJames Free is a multi instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in teaching and performing music. He gained a BA(Hons) degree in Music from Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge in 1998 and a PTLLS teaching qualification also from Cambridge. He has since gone on to perform across the UK, Europe and the United States with a variety of artists and acts at many venues including Glastonbury
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: In the first half of this course you will learn at-home DIY skills: how to use a range of basic hand tools, make a model
Course details
Brief Description:
In the first half of this course you will learn at-home DIY skills: how to use a range of basic hand tools, make a model of an internal wall, and learn how to fix problems around the home. The second half of the course will depend on you. You can learn how to make 5 different wood joints, which will set you up for the improvers DIY & carpentry class. Or you can choose to continue learning in home DIY skills.
You will be shown how to use the tools correctly and how to sharpen/maintain carpentry hand tools.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This is a course for beginners. No previous experience is necessary.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will have the opportunity to:
Identify and name common hand tools
Know how to maintain carpentry tools
Learn how to use them safely
Produce woodwork joints
Learn how to fix common household problems
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
If you choose to wear Steel Toe Capped Boots (which we recommend), costs start at approx. £20 from hardware stores.
The wood for the joint practice and 6 joint frame will be provided.
For the first session you will need to bring:
If you have any tools at home you would like to practise using and get confident with, feel free to bring these along (for example your battery drill/screwdriver). No sandals, or open-toed shoes are allowed in a workshop setting. Please tie back loose hair and wear sensible clothing. Wear sensible shoes or steel toe capped boots if you have them.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
DIY Improvers, upholstery or similar.
The Adult Learn and Train office is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£170 (£110 concession). Please call 01223 712340 to add your name to the waiting list.
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - March 12 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
8 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This course is aimed at anyone who has an interest in, or wants to know about current issues in geopolitics via International Relations. Keys topics are: · Introduction; what is International Relations
Course details
Brief Description:
This course is aimed at anyone who has an interest in, or wants to know about current issues in geopolitics via International Relations.
Keys topics are:
· Introduction; what is International Relations and how are global events analysed and interpreted using the main schools of thought of IR which are Realism, Constructivism and Neoliberal Institutionalism?
· How will Britain navigate the hostile waters of the current geopolitical environment?
· Russia’s war with Ukraine and Moscow’s motivations for launching the war. Russia has been in a geopolitical struggle with NATO to maintain its sphere of influence. Ukraine is key to this and Russia has shown with the ongoing invasion that it is willing to go to any lengths to maintain its regional hegemony.
· Potential conflict in the Asia-Pacific region between a rising superpower in China versus the current world superpower – the United States
· Gaza war and the rise of global Islamism.
These issues will be analysed through the lens of realism and constructivism.
- Ability to understand and analyse key geopolitical events both present and future.
- Understanding of how the international political system works between states.
- Understanding of the hierarchical nature of the international system and how it favours the great powers of the day.
By the end of the course you will have: A good understanding of how the international system works and how states interact in this system.
Please bring along a pen and notebook for note-taking.
£120 (£72 concessionary fee) – Please call the office on 01223 712340 to pay with your card.
Paul HumphreysPaul Humphreys: I hold an BA (Hons) degree in international Studies with the OU and a Master’s in international Relations (IR) with Anglia Ruskin University. Also, I have a professional certificate in Terrorism Studies from St Andrews, and other qualifications in the IR and other related fields. I am also studying criminology as an adjunct to my study in terrorism studies which has fascinated me in that crime and its motivations is so multi-faceted and complex. I think a good understanding of these subjects has never been so important in today’s world.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This Painting and Drawing course aims to enable you to acquire the painting and drawing skills and knowledge to express your own ideas and emotions and to analyse and
Course details
Brief Description:
This Painting and Drawing course aims to enable you to acquire the painting and drawing skills and knowledge to express your own ideas and emotions and to analyse and enjoy the work of other artists. Topics covered will be: painting, drawing, tone, composition, colour and perspective.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
None – all levels are welcome.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Reach a reasonable standard of drawing skill and use a sketchbook properly
• Have acquired basic painting skills and knowledge of colour
• Have an understanding of texture and simple composition
• Understand and use perspective to create 3D form
• Use all knowledge to analyse and understand the work of other artists
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Materials will be discussed at the first session.
There are materials available to use so please do not buy equipment until you have spoken with the tutor.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A3 Sketchbook and a selection of different graphite graded pencils, pencil sharpener and eraser.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Re-enrol in another art course, the tutor will discuss possibilities. The Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offers courses throughout the year. Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new. You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340
David BennisonDavid Bennison is an experienced art tutor and practising artist based in Cambridge. With more than 15 years of teaching experience, he has taught a diverse range of students, from GCSE to adult learners. David graduated from the Cambridge School of Art, where he earned a BA in Illustration in 2007. As an artist, David's speciality is oil paint, he also has a great passion for drawing, digital image, and printmaking.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description The first term introduced learners to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills and using your own measurements you
Course details
Brief Description
The first term introduced learners to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills and using your own measurements you will produce a set of basic blocks, and learn how to adapt them to create different styles and your own designs.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Previous dressmaking experience will be beneficial. This course will be suitable for all levels.
Learning outcomes:
This course will be organised in the following way:
Term 1 (September – December)
- Draft a half scale skirt block using your own measurements
- Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
- Draft a skirt block using your own measurements
- Design and make a skirt
Term 2/3
• Draft a complete bodice block using your own measurements
• Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
• Design and make a blouse
Term 3 (last 5 weeks)
• Draft a trouser block using your own measurements
It is not advised for new learners to join in the 3rd term due to the complicated tasks taught. If you have experience but are unsure if this course is suitable please contact the office to speak with the tutor.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment
1. Sewing kit which includes: stitch scissors, dressmaking shears, steel pins and metric tape measure.
2. Paper scissors, Pritt stick, calico, pattern cutting paper (this can be purchased from the tutor), metre rule, square and ¼ scale pattern master (this will be discussed in the first lesson as they are purchased from Morplan).
3. You will need a sewing machine at home to enable you to complete the homework.
4. Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear, Winifred Aldrich. The following ISBN numbers are the best issues: ISBN 978-1-4051-7567-8 / 0-7135-2564-9 / 978-0713-525649
For the first session you will need to bring:
You will need to bring a tape measure, scissors, pencil and pen. We will provide A3 paper.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Advanced course, discuss with the tutor.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
This course is now full – please call the office on 01223 712340 or email to be added to the waiting list
Sally TilleyI have been dressmaking domestically and commercially for the past 20 years. I studied at Loughborough College of Art and worked briefly as a fashion designer before moving into teaching textiles. Since leaving the industry, I have continued to take on commission work and teach dressmaking and pattern cutting courses.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write
Course details
Brief Description
This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write Hiragana and Katakana and some kanji. You will build up more speaking, listening, and reading and writing skills with proper grammar and sentence structure. On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5.
The course is priced for one term; to complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is suitable for learners who have studied Japanese for about 60 hours, are able to read and write Hiragana and Katakana, and some Kanji, and manage a basic conversation in Japanese. From January the Improvers course will be in its second term, and learners will be expected to have covered the majority of the first term outcomes – see below. If you are unsure, the office can put you in contact with the tutor.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the 1st term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- tell about experiences and intentions
- describe qualities or conditions
- give and receive
- describe the present state
- report on information
In the 2nd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- make suggestions and give advice
- action giving and receiving
- learn about Japanese culture and events
- compare two items among three or more items
In the 3rd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- complete Modern Japanese grammar
- Learn 200 kanji and 1000 vocabularies
Extra costs on the course, for example text book, materials or equipment:
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5
The Japanese Intermediate course
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
£170 (£102 concession) Please call 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card
Yukiko IsonoI have been teaching Japanese in the UK since 1980 and have developed Japanese teaching methods for adult learners. I am the author of “BBC Talk Japanese”.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description Have you ever wanted to learn Italian? Then this Italian beginners course is for you! The course is for beginners and is designed to give you a basic knowledge
Course details
Brief Description
Have you ever wanted to learn Italian? Then this Italian beginners course is for you! The course is for beginners and is designed to give you a basic knowledge of the Italian language.
By the end of the course you will be familiar with the basic structure of the Italian language and have a sufficient vocabulary that will allow you to communicate with native speakers in most everyday situations. The language will be taught in the context of the social, cultural and historical aspects of Italy.
A variety of activities will be used, including dialogue development, listening practice, grammar exercises and focus work on cultural aspects of Italy. The course will be based on communicative methods and active participation will be strongly encouraged. There will be regular homework to consolidate what has been learnt in class and to assess your progress.
The course is priced for 10 weeks (one term); to complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Please note: the time is different from the programme of courses. This course will start at 7pm from 2nd October.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This is the second term of the beginners course. You will need some basic knowledge; approximately 20 hours previous learning.
Learning Outcomes:
Throughout the year, the course will cover the following topics:
- introduce yourself and others,
- talk about where you live and where you come from
- talk about what you do
- order snacks and drink in a bar
- talk about your holiday
- interact in a shop
- book a hotel
- Parts of the day,
- days of the week, months of the year
- telling the time
- Expressions of frequency (sometimes, every day, never)
- Likes and dislikes – more on food and ordering in a restaurant
- Spatial awareness (near, far, opposite, in front of)
- Transport
- Around the city
- Possessives
- Using the present tense
- Articles
- Greetings
- Using the past tense
- Shopping for food, names of shops
- Daily life (routine and habits)
- Directions
- Clothing
- Shopping for clothes
- Booking a hotel
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment
Learners may be advised to purchase the textbook NUOVO ESPRESSO 1 (Libro dello studente e esercizi) which will be followed throughout the course – but this will be discussed in the first week of class
For the first session you will need to bring:
You will probably want to make your own notes, so have a pen and paper to hand.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Learners will be able to proceed to the Italian Improvers course after three terms of beginners.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession price) contact the office on 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card.
Olga JoyI am a native Italian speaker. I have studied modern languages at University in Rome and have taught Italian evening classes at all levels for many years as well as teaching Italian in schools in Cambridge. I have worked as an examiner for UCLES and Edexcel and as a translator and interpreter both in Italy and the UK.
September 25 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - June 11 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
30 evenings (2.5 hrs) plus 5 Saturdays (5 hours)
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year,
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year, (equivalent to the old C grade).
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your Maths qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
General content headings are number, algebra, ratio proportion and rates of change, geometry and measure, probability, statistics. The majority of the course will cover the Foundation syllabus; the tutor will use Higher Tier extension materials where appropriate and the college offers learners the option to be entered into the Higher Tier exams, however this option requires learners to independently study in their own time.
Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5. Higher tier: grades 4 to 9.
The course will be mainly held face to face in centre and runs the whole year including five mandatory exam preparation Saturday day schools. A full schedule of dates will be given out on the first session; we will do our best not to change any dates, but this occasionally happens due to unforeseen circumstances.
New this year is the option to do a blended approach – speak to the tutor if you wish to access some of the evening lessons remotely using Microsoft TEAMS.
Saturday dates: 9th November 2024, 7th December 2024, 1st February 2025, 1st March 2025, 10th May 2025.
The course will be taught as a linear course and certification is available in May/June 2025, the qualification consists of three equally weighted written examination papers. All three papers must be at the same tier of entry and must be completed in May/June 2025. Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Paper 1 is a non-calculator exam; a calculator is allowed for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
GCSE maths is expected to take between 120 and 140 hours of study – you will attend taught classes for 100 hours, and complete an additional 20 hours mandatory content – through set homework tasks which will be marked and are a compulsory part of the course. You will need to spend more time self-studying certain topics to bring your skills up to the required level. You are required to have independent study skills, and to set yourself appropriate goals and targets. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn, and you will be liable for the full cost of the course.
PLEASE NOTE: GCSE exams will take place during the day at Coleridge Community College. The dates are published by the exam board and all candidates must sit the exam then – expect to book leave / holiday from work / childcare as needed. Dates are: Thursday 15/5/25 (morning), Wednesday 4/6/25 (morning) and Wednesday 11/6/25 (morning).
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the whole year course you will have the opportunity to:
develop a positive attitude to mathematics;
consolidate basic skills and meet appropriately challenging work;
apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve problems;
think and communicate mathematically – precisely, logically and creatively;
appreciate the place and use of mathematics in society;
apply mathematical concepts to situations arising in their own lives;
understand the interdependence of different branches of mathematics;
acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively;
acquire a firm foundation for further study.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have studied Mathematics to Functional Skills Level 2 or have a recent GCSE Grade D (or equivalent).
Please speak to the office if you have O-levels / CSEs or qualifications from outside the UK.
You are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of maths levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
Access Arrangements for Exams / Learning Difficulties
The exam board has very specific requirements for those who need access arrangements for exams (additional time, laptops, modified papers). It is your responsibility to provide the relevant supporting documents to the office if you require additional time or access arrangements for exams. Please note such arrangements are only granted for 3 years (by JCQ), and those granted by universities are not valid for GCSE exams.
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
All learners: Textbook – approx. cost £21 Maths for GCSE Textbook: Foundation – includes Answers | CGP Books
You will need a maths set comprising of compass, protractor and ruler etc. but we will discuss this at the first session.
There are higher tier resources available from CGP books, should you choose to study the additional topics covered in the Higher Tier syllabus.
You will also need a scientific calculator – suggested type CASIO fx-85GT PLUS approx. £11-£12
Examination Fees:
Examination costs will be included in the cost of the course.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen, we will discuss which calculator to get.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Progress to a post GCSE course – further / higher education, employment, volunteering or GCE A level.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
Lorraine CarltonI completed my B.Ed in Mathematics at Homerton College, Cambridge in 1989. I have also gained a Level 4 Qualification subject specialism in adult teaching. Since then, I have taught in a variety of settings, focussing mainly on adults. I have taught Adult Maths classes (both Functional Skills and GCSE) for over 21 years.
November 6 (Wednesday) 9:30 am - May 21 (Wednesday) 11:45 am
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
Galfrid Rd, Cambridge CB5 8ND
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 9.30 – 11.45 am
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of assessment by the end of the course.
This course will be held face to face in centre.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
- develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
- gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
- develop your reading level and reading comprehension
- write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
- review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
- assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
November 6 (Wednesday) 6:15 pm - May 21 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 6.00 – 8.15 pm. This course will be held face to face in centre.
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of the assessment by the end of the course.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
• develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
• gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
• develop your reading level and reading comprehension
• write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
• review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
• assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
January 15 (Wednesday) 9:45 am - March 27 (Thursday) 11:45 am
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language. This online course is aimed at learners who have a good intermediate level
Course details
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language.
This online course is aimed at learners who have a good intermediate level of English but, because of limited English ability, struggle with certain aspects of their jobs, or even to get a job.
This course is taught online. To participate in online classes you will need an email address, a reliable internet connection, a computer/laptop/tablet with fully updated browser (preferably Google Chrome).
You will need to attend the online course on both days – Wednesday and Thursday at the specified time.
You will gain confidence, improve your listening and written and spoken English. These skills will improve your chances of gaining employment, or to move up into a job with better pay and prospects. Part of the course will be based on the needs of individual learners; and this will be discussed in the first lesson. You will also learn about UK work culture, how it may differ from other countries, and the course will answer some of the questions you might have about the differences between your way of life and what you see around you in the UK.
Your English skills will define the jobs you can apply for in the UK, and improving those skills will help, not only in this country, but will greatly improve your employability and promotion prospects should you later return to your home country.
Poor English skills can have serious consequences – from language misunderstandings that can cause the loss of money or angry clients, to constant embarrassment at not being able to chat with clients and colleagues in a social context or even over lunch! You may be seen as unfriendly, or rude, which is also not good for your career.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again)
This course is funded through Cambridgeshire Skills: See funding eligibility below:
If you are 19 or over, have lived in an EU country / the UK for 3 or more years and are at the right level, full funding is available. You will need to supply proof of identity and full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
If you are not eligible for funding but would benefit from the course, you can attend by paying a tuition fee of £290 (£174 concession) per 10 week term.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
If you have not recently passed the PET exam, an assessment test will be needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment, call the office on 01223 712340 or email
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- expand your vocabulary on topic-based lexical areas
- put new vocabulary into practice and develop your ability to ‘build’ new words adding prefixes and suffixes
- continue to practise ‘fine-tuning’ of pronunciation of difficult sounds and use appropriate rhythm and intonation
- talk and read about up-to-date stimulating topics, using the key words and necessary phrases,
- revise your knowledge of main grammar structures and learn more sophisticated structures (e.g. passive voice, past modal verbs, reporting verbs)
- improve accuracy as well as develop your fluency in the speaking activities
- practise your listening skills, being exposed to motivating, challenging but achievable listening tasks, listening to authentic and colloquial spoken language
- improve your knowledge of British culture, history, trends and values
- improve all the skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the focus on building the skills that are most useful in the workplace and in searching for work
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
The tutor will advise in the first lesson
For the first session you will need to bring:
A notebook and pen and pencil.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The college has many English for work levels, talk with your tutor who will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment.
Anya Rocka
January 15 (Wednesday) 9:45 am - March 26 (Wednesday) 11:45 am
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Description: Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art
Course details
Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art to join, just a desire to know more. You will look at a different artist or sculptor each week, learn a bit more about their life and how their work developed during their career.
We will look at a different artist every week, from a variety of periods including, Joaquin Sorolla, Henri Matisse, Harmen Steenwyck, Mona Hatoum, Bridget Riley and more! Using vibrant images, video clips and a few quizzes along the way, it’s fun!
This course is fun, educational, and always inspiring!
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Interpret a work of art.
- Discuss artworks with others
- Understand a little more about what Art History involves
- Meet like-minded people
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
None, unless you wish to purchase books, or visit art Galleries. There will be invitations to watch Arts on Screen with the Tutor during the year as well.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A pen and notepad.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
From this course you may progress onto the Summer term course.
The Adult Learn and Train team is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you. Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays; you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
Please contact the office on 01223 712340 / to book onto the course.
Lisa FretwellMy name is Lisa E Fretwell. I have been teaching art, glass and textile techniques for over 20 years. In the past, I have exhibited my work in New York, had a touring exhibition around the UK, and exhibited Gallery and non-Gallery venues in Hertfordshire, Leicester, London and Northamptonshire. I was involved involved in the publishing of a new book called ‘Antarctic Atlas,’ which includes my hand drawn illustrations. I am currently making hand drawn illustrated cards to create funding for a Hedgehog charity called Hoggywobbles in Cambridgeshire. Since 2012 I have been teaching Art History, Stained Glass and felt making in Cambridge. I sold some original illustrations with Bonham's Auctioneer's from our book, Antarctic Atlas, at St. Bride's Foundation, London in June 2023. I am now illustrating a new book entitled 'The penguin book of penguins' due to be published in 2025..
January 15 (Wednesday) 10:00 am - March 26 (Wednesday) 12:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description On our Dressmaking course you will be guided through the purchase of fabrics and patterns. You will learn how to make basic pattern alterations, cut out, assemble and fit
Course details
Brief Description
On our Dressmaking course you will be guided through the purchase of fabrics and patterns. You will learn how to make basic pattern alterations, cut out, assemble and fit your garments. As well as this, you will be taught basic dressmaking techniques and make samples to practice your skills. There will be plenty of help with lockstitch and over lock sewing machines, if required. For the more advanced learner, you will be encouraged to make more complicated garments.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
All people interested in dressmaking from beginners to the more experienced wanting to brush up their skills.
Learning Outcomes:
The learning outcomes are listed for a full year – 3 terms of tuition. The tutor will adjust the course around the learners enrolled.
By the end of the course (full academic year – 3 terms) you will have the opportunity to:
• know how to use a lockstitch and overlock sewing machines
• learn how to use a domestic dressmaking pattern
• understand the importance of a well fitted garment
• know how to assemble a garment in the correct order
• learn a variety of dressmaking skills e.g. inserting zips, different seam finishes, pockets, hems.
• appreciate how to use a variety of fabrics e.g. stretch, velvet.
• learn a variety of dressmaking skills to produce a professional finish e.g. attaching collars, cuffs, pockets, button.
• make garments including more complicated skills and processes
• work on achieving a professional finish to your garments
• make more complicated garments e.g. coats, jackets.
• alter patterns
• use luxurious fabrics
• work more independently
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
In order to make a garment you will need to purchase fabric, a pattern and a sewing kit which includes: stitch scissors, dressmaking shears, steel pins, and tape measure. All of these will be discussed in the first session. Each student will also need at least one metre of fabric to make their samples, an old sheet or quilt cover is ideal.
For the first session you will need to bring:
If you have a sewing machine at home you might find it beneficial.
You will need to bring a note book, tape measure, pencil and pen.
I would advise all beginners not to buy a pattern and fabric before the first session.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The tutor will advise you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£152 (£92 concession) Please call the office on 01223 712340 to make payment by card.
Sally TilleyI have been dressmaking domestically and commercially for the past 20 years. I studied at Loughborough College of Art and worked briefly as a fashion designer before moving into teaching textiles. Since leaving the industry, I have continued to take on commission work and teach dressmaking and pattern cutting courses.
January 15 (Wednesday) 12:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
Galfrid Rd, Cambridge CB5 8ND
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written
Course details
Brief Description:
Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written accuracy. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you’ll revisit essential grammar rules and sentence construction, ironing out the errors formed out of habit or knowledge gaps.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is ideal for learners wishing to gain E3 or L1 English Functional Skills Qualifications and want to improve their confidence in grammar.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- More confidence in your writing abilities
- Correct your work and gained more learner autonomy,
- Gained a clearer understanding of English grammar structures and apply them
- Write more complex sentences
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
There may be a course book, the tutor will confirm with you on the first day.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen for exercises
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
If you are taking this course alongside the Functional Skills course it will help you feel better prepared and more confident for the writing and presentation exams.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340 or email
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning:
January 15 (Wednesday) 12:30 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 2:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Description: Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art
Course details
Would you like to know more about famous artists? Would you like to join a friendly, enthusiastic group? If so, join my class! You don’t need a background in art to join, just a desire to know more. You will look at a different artist or sculptor each week, learn a bit more about their life and how their work developed during their career.
We will look at a different artist every week, from a variety of periods including, Joaquin Sorolla, Henri Matisse, Harmen Steenwyck, Mona Hatoum, Bridget Riley and more! Using vibrant images, video clips and a few quizzes along the way, it’s fun!
This course is fun, educational, and always inspiring!
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Interpret a work of art.
- Discuss artworks with others
- Understand a little more about what Art History involves
- Meet like-minded people
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
None, unless you wish to purchase books, or visit art Galleries. There will be invitations to watch Arts on Screen with the Tutor during the year as well.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A pen and notepad.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
From this course you may progress onto the Spring term course.
The Adult Learn and Train team is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you. Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays; you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
Please contact the office on 01223 712340 / to book onto the course.
Lisa FretwellMy name is Lisa E Fretwell. I have been teaching art, glass and textile techniques for over 20 years. In the past, I have exhibited my work in New York, had a touring exhibition around the UK, and exhibited Gallery and non-Gallery venues in Hertfordshire, Leicester, London and Northamptonshire. I was involved involved in the publishing of a new book called ‘Antarctic Atlas,’ which includes my hand drawn illustrations. I am currently making hand drawn illustrated cards to create funding for a Hedgehog charity called Hoggywobbles in Cambridgeshire. Since 2012 I have been teaching Art History, Stained Glass and felt making in Cambridge. I sold some original illustrations with Bonham's Auctioneer's from our book, Antarctic Atlas, at St. Bride's Foundation, London in June 2023. I am now illustrating a new book entitled 'The penguin book of penguins' due to be published in 2025..
January 15 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 3:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This course will introduce you to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills you will produce a set of
Course details
Brief Description
This course will introduce you to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills you will produce a set of basic blocks, using your own measurements.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Previous dressmaking experience will be beneficial.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will be organised in the following way:
Term 1 (September – December)
- Draft a half scale skirt block using your own measurements
- Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
- Draft a skirt block using your own measurements
- Design and make a skirt
Term 2/3
• Draft a complete bodice block using your own measurements
• Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
• Design and make a blouse
Term 3 (last 5 weeks)
• Draft a trouser block using your own measurements
It is not advised for new learners to join in the 3rd term due to the complicated tasks taught. If you have experience but are unsure if this course is suitable please contact the office to speak with the tutor.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment
1. Sewing kit which includes: stitch scissors, dressmaking shears, steel pins and metric tape measure.
2. Paper scissors, Pritt stick, calico, pattern cutting paper (this can be purchased from the tutor), metre rule, square and ¼ scale pattern master (this will be discussed in the first lesson as they are purchased from Morplan).
3. You will need a sewing machine at home to enable you to complete the homework.
4. Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear, Winifred Aldrich. The following ISBN numbers are the best issues: ISBN 978-1-4051-7567-8 / 0-7135-2564-9 / 978-0713-525649
For the first session you will need to bring:
You will need to bring a tape measure, scissors, pencil and pen. We will provide A3 paper.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Advanced course, discuss with the tutor.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
Please call the office on 01223 712340 to be added to the waiting list or email
Sally TilleyI have been dressmaking domestically and commercially for the past 20 years. I studied at Loughborough College of Art and worked briefly as a fashion designer before moving into teaching textiles. Since leaving the industry, I have continued to take on commission work and teach dressmaking and pattern cutting courses.
January 15 (Wednesday) 4:45 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 5:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Pilates was invented by Joseph Pilates as an exercise program for injured dancers and soldiers while living in the
Course details
Brief Description:
Pilates was invented by Joseph Pilates as an exercise program for injured dancers and soldiers while living in the UK. Joseph Pilates believed that physical and mental health were closely connected.
It incorporates exercises to help improve posture, mobility, muscular strength and breathing technique. Each session will aim to build and improve from the previous session. This workout is designed to help participants develop leaner, longer-looking muscles, establish core strength and stability and heighten mind-body awareness.
Class numbers are limited which gives you an opportunity to interact and be corrected by your tutor.
As Pilates can be modified to provide either a gentle strength training program or a challenging workout, most people would have no problem with this form of exercise. In Pilates the chance of injury is much lower than with other more strenuous forms of exercise.
The health benefits include:
Good posture – Pilates will teach you to gain and maintain good posture. The exercises require that your body is always in alignment. This is especially beneficial if you suffer from lower back pain.
Muscle Tone – the exercises involve the use of muscles that you may not use on a daily basis. After the initial soreness, you’ll find that your muscles will be much more toned.
Stronger abdominal muscles – Pilates focuses on strengthening your core which includes your abdominal muscles particularly deeper abdominal muscles as well as lateral/ side muscles.
Flexibility – Pilates will restore your flexibility
Improves your balance – through the mind-body connection which is taught in Pilates you will become much more aware of how your body moves and performs. Therefore, Pilates not only improves your physical balance through correct posture but will also restore your mind-body balance.
Pilates gives you a general sense of well-being – because it focuses on providing balance between your mind and body.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
40 – 50 hours tuition
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Enhance body awareness
- Improve muscle strength
- Learn breathing technique
- Improve posture
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
For the first session you will need to bring:
A mat, towel and small cushion. Please also wear comfortable clothing that you can move in, trainers and water bottle.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Your tutor will advise you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£75 (£45 concession). To be added to the waiting list please call 01223 712340 or email
Mili BojovicI live and work in Cambridge. I run Pilates, Boxercise and Pump It classes as well as personal training.
January 15 (Wednesday) 5:15 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 6:15 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written
Course details
Brief Description:
Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written accuracy. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you’ll revisit essential grammar rules and sentence construction, ironing out the errors formed out of habit or knowledge gaps.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is ideal for learners wishing to gain E3 or L1 English Functional Skills Qualifications and want to improve their confidence in grammar.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- More confidence in your writing abilities
- Correct your work and gained more learner autonomy,
- Gained a clearer understanding of English grammar structures and apply them
- Write more complex sentences
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
There may be a course book, the tutor will confirm with you on the first day.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen for exercises
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
If you are taking this course alongside the Functional Skills course it will help you feel better prepared and more confident for the writing and presentation exams.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340 or email
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning:
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This dressmaking course is for beginners to help them learn the essentials and build confidence. Learners will learn essential dressmaking skills, including: how to use and
Course details
Brief Description:
This dressmaking course is for beginners to help them learn the essentials and build confidence.
Learners will learn essential dressmaking skills, including: how to use and thread a sewing machine, how to use and follow a shop bought garment pattern, to then be able to construction a garment, and take measurements and choose the correct fabrics.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This dressmaking course is for complete beginners with no experience of using a sewing machine or making a garment. People with some experience who wish to improve are also welcome.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Learn how to thread a sewing machine.
- Understand how to use a sewing machine.
- Learn how to construction a garment and follow the instructions of a shop bought pattern.
- Learn how to sew seams, hems and closures, pockets, elasticated waistbands, etc.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
In order to make a garment you will need to purchase fabric, a pattern and a sewing kit. This will be done after the first lesson; we will talk about what is needed to begin dressmaking.
Other haberdashery items, such as zips elastic etc., are required for creating samples but will be advised by the tutor during the course.
For the First session you will need to bring:
- A sewing machine and power cable. The college have a few machines available to use so please do not buy a machine before you are confident that you will use one.
- Scraps of non-stretch fabric for creating samples.
- A notebook, tape measure, pencil and pen.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The tutor will advise you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sunday’s , you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more
£152 (£92 concessionary fee) – To book a place on this course call the office on 01223 712340
Louise BarryLouise is a newly qualified Design and Technology teacher with a passion for textiles and garment making. Her sewing journey began with an evening dressmaking course, where she first discovered her love for creating garments. This passion led her to pursue a degree in Printed Textiles and Surface Decoration, where she honed my skills in screen printing, appliqué, and embroidery. Post-graduation, Louise worked as a print designer in a print studio, where she designed and screen-printed fabric designs and t-shirt prints, primarily for childrenswear. Louise’s designs were sold to high street brands and distributed globally. During a career break to care for her family, Louise continued to create, focusing on garments, soft furnishings, and upcycling projects for her home. Louise is excited to share her expertise and enthusiasm for textiles/dressmaking.
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Train the mind to reduce stress and manage chronic ill-health unwellness by taking time to unplug from a busy schedule and connect with what matters most to you. Are
Course details
Brief Description:
Train the mind to reduce stress and manage chronic ill-health unwellness by taking time to unplug from a busy schedule and connect with what matters most to you. Are you ready to find a different way of dealing with stress and managing the symptoms of long-term health conditions? Would you like to learn to still your busy mind and switch off in order to fully relax and recover? Mindfulness meditation, if practiced regularly, can help you to take better care of your health and mental wellbeing. This eight-week programme will teach you different ways of meditating so that you can adapt how you practice to your lifestyle. By learning as a group, you will support each other to make changes and to challenge learnt behaviours and habits that may be contributing to feeling stressed and far from your best. You will be invited to read the book Mindfulness for Health, to support your learning journey.
Funding information:
This course is funded by Cambridgeshire Skills, so full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
This course may be fully funded if:
You are over 19 years old
You live within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough combined authority
and have lived in the UK / an EEA country for the last 3 years.
Contact the office if you would like to confirm your eligibility.
Please note: this year learners will be asked for their annual income. There will be a certain threshold (which we are currently waiting for further guidance). If the income exceeds the threshold there will be a small fee to contribute (no more than £10), the funding will subsidise the rest of the cost.
If you do not qualify for funding but would still like to attend contact the office for a price.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is open to beginners to mindfulness meditation, as well as those with some experience, who wish to develop practice and confidence. The teaching approach is experiential, rather than academic, and invites learners to commit to practising meditation at home daily, to consolidate the new skills learnt.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Be competent and confident in your personal meditation practice
- Have a deeper understanding of the science of stress and its impact on behaviours
- Exercise the ability to intervene at an earlier stage in the stress build-up and reduce its impact on wellbeing and communication
- Have identified mindfulness practices that best support you to maintain good health and live a good life
- Connect with others to support home-practice and create a social support network
- Practice silence for up to 20 minutes in each meditation practice
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
A small journal will be provided by the course, but you may wish to bring your own personalised notebook
You may wish to bring a shawl or small throw to wear during the meditation practice as it gets cold sitting still
You are invited to buy Mindfulness for Health by Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman, which includes a CD of guided meditations
For the first session you will need to bring:
Learners will need a fresh and personalised notebook, in which to journal, as well as a pen or pencils if you choose to draw rather than write
Bringing a small cushion and shawl/ small blanket will help learners feel more comfortable and warm
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Talk to your health care providers, e.g. social prescriber, about how mindfulness meditation can support your wellbeing along with other treatment and social support options.
To continue practicing at home and integrating the new skills into your lifestyle
To connect with local meditation practice networks via social media
To explore the origins of secular mindfulness meditation by exploring its spiritual dimension, the Cambridge Buddhist Centre
To download an app to support home-practice.
To access other sources of mindfulness support locally
Please contact the office on 01223 712340 / to book a place on this course
David LynchDavid is a trained mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) teacher. With a professional background in teaching, counselling and health promotion, he now combines what he has himself learnt along the way about how to take care of oneself with evidence-based life skills, curiosity and kindness. His training programmes invite you to ask the questions that have the potential to unlock the answers that have been waiting for you to discover about how to live a good life and reduce suffering.
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries). We believe that
Course details
Brief Description
This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries).
We believe that learning is an active constructive process; learning through action! We think that speaking is one of the most important ways to learn and boost confidence, so we encourage you to consolidate what you have learnt through role play and conversation. Oral and written interactions, listening comprehension, reading, oral and written expression; learn to use!
All your interests, needs and goals will be taken into consideration to make the learning experience appealing and meaningful. To complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This beginners course will be in its second term. Learners who wish to join at this stage should have knowledge on the subject areas below:
First Term (September):
- Greet people, give and ask for personal information (name, age, profession, nationality, etc)
- Expressing intentions
- Explaining the reasons why you do things
- Talking about places and expressing existence and location
- Talking about the climate
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the one-year course you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
Second Term (January):
- Go shopping (ask for products, price and express preference and need)
- Identifying objects to organize a trip
- Talk about family
- Describe people (physical appearance and personality)
- Order food and drinks in a restaurant or bar
- Express likes and dislikes
Third Term (April):
- Explain your daily routine and speaking about habits
- Describe your town/city and give and ask for directions
- Speaking about past experiences
- Speaking about people’s good and bad points
- Speaking about skills and talents
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Aula international 1 plus .Publisher: Campus Difusion. ISBN 978-84-18032-18-9 (approx. £15-25)
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen
Learners will be able to proceed to the Spanish Improvers course after 3 terms of tuition. there is no obligation to attend more than one term.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more
£150 (£90 concession) to add your name to the waiting list please call 01223 712340
Naomi ZambranoNaomi Zambrano Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language I am a native Colombian speaker, I have extensive teaching experience, tutoring Spanish for over 10 years, having many successful learners of all different ages, levels and nationalities. I am accredited Spanish DELE examiner. I love travel, art and teaching and music is an essential part of my life. I look forward to sharing my language and culture with you!
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 7:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This yoga class will offer everyone from yoga newbies to yoga veterans the opportunity to develop and
Course details
Brief Description:
This yoga class will offer everyone from yoga newbies to yoga veterans the opportunity to develop and try new things. The class will focus on mobility, body awareness and the more technical elements of yoga with a large emphasis on correct alignment. Each class starts with gentle movement and breath exercises and works into a section of more physical demand to warm up the body before relaxing into some deep stretches on the mat. The class finishes with an extended period relaxation. You will find the mix of slow and fast paced practice offers the perfect balance between gentle exertion and quiet stillness.
There is a health questionnaire to complete before the first lesson. This will be sent out with confirmation of your booking. See also attached here for convenience: Health form
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
None – this course is for everyone from absolute beginners to veteran yogis.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- Increased body awareness
- Knowledge and understanding of basic yoga poses
- Increased flexibility
- Better connection to the breath and relaxation techniques
Extra Costs:
Please provide your own yoga mat.
For the first session please bring:
Please come wearing comfortable clothes and with your own yoga mat. Water bottle and towel if desired.
On Completion of this course what might your next steps be?
The tutor offers many variations throughout the course so term to term will offer you areas of development regardless of the level of the course.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£75 (£45 concession) Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to be added to the waiting list.
Hannah FranicevicHannah has been teaching yoga for the last 6 years. She started her yoga journey in New Zealand teaching at bootcamps working with people completely new to flexibility and yoga. She has since taught privately and in studios across the world working with people to help them increase not just their flexibility but strength. Her speciality is teaching yoga from a more technical perspective with a large focus on correct alignment, active stretches and movements and stability.

January 15 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This course is suitable for you if you are a beginner with little musical knowledge or experience (approximately 20 hours experience). Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing
Course details
Brief Description
This course is suitable for you if you are a beginner with little musical knowledge or experience (approximately 20 hours experience). Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar music. The course will provide an introduction to reading music and tablature, successful tuning and replacing strings, playing/performance techniques and building a repertoire of songs and exercises. You will need to bring your own guitar to classes.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Skills attained in Guitar Beginners 1
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course the participants will be able to:
• To read music to the 2nd level/reading music with two voices
• To play barre chords and learn how to find inversions of major, minor and 7th chords
• To increase repertoire of tablature riffs and songs
• Play chord progressions to well-known songs
• Develop skills in picking and strumming techniques
• Play major and minor scales with a mind to improvise.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Cost of a method book available from the tutor at the first session. Approximate cost £6.00
For the first session you will need to bring:
One working guitar; acoustic, classical or steel string.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Guitar Beginners 3.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) Please call the office on 01223 712340 to pay with your card.
James FreeJames Free is a multi instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in teaching and performing music. He gained a BA(Hons) degree in Music from Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge in 1998 and a PTLLS teaching qualification also from Cambridge. He has since gone on to perform across the UK, Europe and the United States with a variety of artists and acts at many venues including Glastonbury
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: In the first half of this course you will learn at-home DIY skills: how to use a range of basic hand tools, make a model
Course details
Brief Description:
In the first half of this course you will learn at-home DIY skills: how to use a range of basic hand tools, make a model of an internal wall, and learn how to fix problems around the home. The second half of the course will depend on you. You can learn how to make 5 different wood joints, which will set you up for the improvers DIY & carpentry class. Or you can choose to continue learning in home DIY skills.
You will be shown how to use the tools correctly and how to sharpen/maintain carpentry hand tools.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This is a course for beginners. No previous experience is necessary.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will have the opportunity to:
Identify and name common hand tools
Know how to maintain carpentry tools
Learn how to use them safely
Produce woodwork joints
Learn how to fix common household problems
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
If you choose to wear Steel Toe Capped Boots (which we recommend), costs start at approx. £20 from hardware stores.
The wood for the joint practice and 6 joint frame will be provided.
For the first session you will need to bring:
If you have any tools at home you would like to practise using and get confident with, feel free to bring these along (for example your battery drill/screwdriver). No sandals, or open-toed shoes are allowed in a workshop setting. Please tie back loose hair and wear sensible clothing. Wear sensible shoes or steel toe capped boots if you have them.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
DIY Improvers, upholstery or similar.
The Adult Learn and Train office is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£170 (£110 concession). Please call 01223 712340 to add your name to the waiting list.
January 15 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - March 12 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
8 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This course is aimed at anyone who has an interest in, or wants to know about current issues in geopolitics via International Relations. Keys topics are: · Introduction; what is International Relations
Course details
Brief Description:
This course is aimed at anyone who has an interest in, or wants to know about current issues in geopolitics via International Relations.
Keys topics are:
· Introduction; what is International Relations and how are global events analysed and interpreted using the main schools of thought of IR which are Realism, Constructivism and Neoliberal Institutionalism?
· How will Britain navigate the hostile waters of the current geopolitical environment?
· Russia’s war with Ukraine and Moscow’s motivations for launching the war. Russia has been in a geopolitical struggle with NATO to maintain its sphere of influence. Ukraine is key to this and Russia has shown with the ongoing invasion that it is willing to go to any lengths to maintain its regional hegemony.
· Potential conflict in the Asia-Pacific region between a rising superpower in China versus the current world superpower – the United States
· Gaza war and the rise of global Islamism.
These issues will be analysed through the lens of realism and constructivism.
- Ability to understand and analyse key geopolitical events both present and future.
- Understanding of how the international political system works between states.
- Understanding of the hierarchical nature of the international system and how it favours the great powers of the day.
By the end of the course you will have: A good understanding of how the international system works and how states interact in this system.
Please bring along a pen and notebook for note-taking.
£120 (£72 concessionary fee) – Please call the office on 01223 712340 to pay with your card.
Paul HumphreysPaul Humphreys: I hold an BA (Hons) degree in international Studies with the OU and a Master’s in international Relations (IR) with Anglia Ruskin University. Also, I have a professional certificate in Terrorism Studies from St Andrews, and other qualifications in the IR and other related fields. I am also studying criminology as an adjunct to my study in terrorism studies which has fascinated me in that crime and its motivations is so multi-faceted and complex. I think a good understanding of these subjects has never been so important in today’s world.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This Painting and Drawing course aims to enable you to acquire the painting and drawing skills and knowledge to express your own ideas and emotions and to analyse and
Course details
Brief Description:
This Painting and Drawing course aims to enable you to acquire the painting and drawing skills and knowledge to express your own ideas and emotions and to analyse and enjoy the work of other artists. Topics covered will be: painting, drawing, tone, composition, colour and perspective.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
None – all levels are welcome.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Reach a reasonable standard of drawing skill and use a sketchbook properly
• Have acquired basic painting skills and knowledge of colour
• Have an understanding of texture and simple composition
• Understand and use perspective to create 3D form
• Use all knowledge to analyse and understand the work of other artists
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Materials will be discussed at the first session.
There are materials available to use so please do not buy equipment until you have spoken with the tutor.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A3 Sketchbook and a selection of different graphite graded pencils, pencil sharpener and eraser.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Re-enrol in another art course, the tutor will discuss possibilities. The Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offers courses throughout the year. Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new. You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340
David BennisonDavid Bennison is an experienced art tutor and practising artist based in Cambridge. With more than 15 years of teaching experience, he has taught a diverse range of students, from GCSE to adult learners. David graduated from the Cambridge School of Art, where he earned a BA in Illustration in 2007. As an artist, David's speciality is oil paint, he also has a great passion for drawing, digital image, and printmaking.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description The first term introduced learners to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills and using your own measurements you
Course details
Brief Description
The first term introduced learners to beginners pattern cutting in women’s wear, using block pattern manipulation techniques. After learning initial techniques and skills and using your own measurements you will produce a set of basic blocks, and learn how to adapt them to create different styles and your own designs.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Previous dressmaking experience will be beneficial. This course will be suitable for all levels.
Learning outcomes:
This course will be organised in the following way:
Term 1 (September – December)
- Draft a half scale skirt block using your own measurements
- Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
- Draft a skirt block using your own measurements
- Design and make a skirt
Term 2/3
• Draft a complete bodice block using your own measurements
• Learn how to adapt the block to produce different styles
• Design and make a blouse
Term 3 (last 5 weeks)
• Draft a trouser block using your own measurements
It is not advised for new learners to join in the 3rd term due to the complicated tasks taught. If you have experience but are unsure if this course is suitable please contact the office to speak with the tutor.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment
1. Sewing kit which includes: stitch scissors, dressmaking shears, steel pins and metric tape measure.
2. Paper scissors, Pritt stick, calico, pattern cutting paper (this can be purchased from the tutor), metre rule, square and ¼ scale pattern master (this will be discussed in the first lesson as they are purchased from Morplan).
3. You will need a sewing machine at home to enable you to complete the homework.
4. Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear, Winifred Aldrich. The following ISBN numbers are the best issues: ISBN 978-1-4051-7567-8 / 0-7135-2564-9 / 978-0713-525649
For the first session you will need to bring:
You will need to bring a tape measure, scissors, pencil and pen. We will provide A3 paper.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Advanced course, discuss with the tutor.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
This course is now full – please call the office on 01223 712340 or email to be added to the waiting list
Sally TilleyI have been dressmaking domestically and commercially for the past 20 years. I studied at Loughborough College of Art and worked briefly as a fashion designer before moving into teaching textiles. Since leaving the industry, I have continued to take on commission work and teach dressmaking and pattern cutting courses.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write
Course details
Brief Description
This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write Hiragana and Katakana and some kanji. You will build up more speaking, listening, and reading and writing skills with proper grammar and sentence structure. On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5.
The course is priced for one term; to complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is suitable for learners who have studied Japanese for about 60 hours, are able to read and write Hiragana and Katakana, and some Kanji, and manage a basic conversation in Japanese. From January the Improvers course will be in its second term, and learners will be expected to have covered the majority of the first term outcomes – see below. If you are unsure, the office can put you in contact with the tutor.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the 1st term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- tell about experiences and intentions
- describe qualities or conditions
- give and receive
- describe the present state
- report on information
In the 2nd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- make suggestions and give advice
- action giving and receiving
- learn about Japanese culture and events
- compare two items among three or more items
In the 3rd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- complete Modern Japanese grammar
- Learn 200 kanji and 1000 vocabularies
Extra costs on the course, for example text book, materials or equipment:
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5
The Japanese Intermediate course
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
£170 (£102 concession) Please call 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card
Yukiko IsonoI have been teaching Japanese in the UK since 1980 and have developed Japanese teaching methods for adult learners. I am the author of “BBC Talk Japanese”.
January 15 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description Have you ever wanted to learn Italian? Then this Italian beginners course is for you! The course is for beginners and is designed to give you a basic knowledge
Course details
Brief Description
Have you ever wanted to learn Italian? Then this Italian beginners course is for you! The course is for beginners and is designed to give you a basic knowledge of the Italian language.
By the end of the course you will be familiar with the basic structure of the Italian language and have a sufficient vocabulary that will allow you to communicate with native speakers in most everyday situations. The language will be taught in the context of the social, cultural and historical aspects of Italy.
A variety of activities will be used, including dialogue development, listening practice, grammar exercises and focus work on cultural aspects of Italy. The course will be based on communicative methods and active participation will be strongly encouraged. There will be regular homework to consolidate what has been learnt in class and to assess your progress.
The course is priced for 10 weeks (one term); to complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Please note: the time is different from the programme of courses. This course will start at 7pm from 2nd October.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This is the second term of the beginners course. You will need some basic knowledge; approximately 20 hours previous learning.
Learning Outcomes:
Throughout the year, the course will cover the following topics:
- introduce yourself and others,
- talk about where you live and where you come from
- talk about what you do
- order snacks and drink in a bar
- talk about your holiday
- interact in a shop
- book a hotel
- Parts of the day,
- days of the week, months of the year
- telling the time
- Expressions of frequency (sometimes, every day, never)
- Likes and dislikes – more on food and ordering in a restaurant
- Spatial awareness (near, far, opposite, in front of)
- Transport
- Around the city
- Possessives
- Using the present tense
- Articles
- Greetings
- Using the past tense
- Shopping for food, names of shops
- Daily life (routine and habits)
- Directions
- Clothing
- Shopping for clothes
- Booking a hotel
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment
Learners may be advised to purchase the textbook NUOVO ESPRESSO 1 (Libro dello studente e esercizi) which will be followed throughout the course – but this will be discussed in the first week of class
For the first session you will need to bring:
You will probably want to make your own notes, so have a pen and paper to hand.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Learners will be able to proceed to the Italian Improvers course after three terms of beginners.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession price) contact the office on 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card.
Olga JoyI am a native Italian speaker. I have studied modern languages at University in Rome and have taught Italian evening classes at all levels for many years as well as teaching Italian in schools in Cambridge. I have worked as an examiner for UCLES and Edexcel and as a translator and interpreter both in Italy and the UK.
September 25 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - June 11 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
30 evenings (2.5 hrs) plus 5 Saturdays (5 hours)
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year,
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year, (equivalent to the old C grade).
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your Maths qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
General content headings are number, algebra, ratio proportion and rates of change, geometry and measure, probability, statistics. The majority of the course will cover the Foundation syllabus; the tutor will use Higher Tier extension materials where appropriate and the college offers learners the option to be entered into the Higher Tier exams, however this option requires learners to independently study in their own time.
Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5. Higher tier: grades 4 to 9.
The course will be mainly held face to face in centre and runs the whole year including five mandatory exam preparation Saturday day schools. A full schedule of dates will be given out on the first session; we will do our best not to change any dates, but this occasionally happens due to unforeseen circumstances.
New this year is the option to do a blended approach – speak to the tutor if you wish to access some of the evening lessons remotely using Microsoft TEAMS.
Saturday dates: 9th November 2024, 7th December 2024, 1st February 2025, 1st March 2025, 10th May 2025.
The course will be taught as a linear course and certification is available in May/June 2025, the qualification consists of three equally weighted written examination papers. All three papers must be at the same tier of entry and must be completed in May/June 2025. Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Paper 1 is a non-calculator exam; a calculator is allowed for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
GCSE maths is expected to take between 120 and 140 hours of study – you will attend taught classes for 100 hours, and complete an additional 20 hours mandatory content – through set homework tasks which will be marked and are a compulsory part of the course. You will need to spend more time self-studying certain topics to bring your skills up to the required level. You are required to have independent study skills, and to set yourself appropriate goals and targets. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn, and you will be liable for the full cost of the course.
PLEASE NOTE: GCSE exams will take place during the day at Coleridge Community College. The dates are published by the exam board and all candidates must sit the exam then – expect to book leave / holiday from work / childcare as needed. Dates are: Thursday 15/5/25 (morning), Wednesday 4/6/25 (morning) and Wednesday 11/6/25 (morning).
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the whole year course you will have the opportunity to:
develop a positive attitude to mathematics;
consolidate basic skills and meet appropriately challenging work;
apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve problems;
think and communicate mathematically – precisely, logically and creatively;
appreciate the place and use of mathematics in society;
apply mathematical concepts to situations arising in their own lives;
understand the interdependence of different branches of mathematics;
acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively;
acquire a firm foundation for further study.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have studied Mathematics to Functional Skills Level 2 or have a recent GCSE Grade D (or equivalent).
Please speak to the office if you have O-levels / CSEs or qualifications from outside the UK.
You are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of maths levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
Access Arrangements for Exams / Learning Difficulties
The exam board has very specific requirements for those who need access arrangements for exams (additional time, laptops, modified papers). It is your responsibility to provide the relevant supporting documents to the office if you require additional time or access arrangements for exams. Please note such arrangements are only granted for 3 years (by JCQ), and those granted by universities are not valid for GCSE exams.
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
All learners: Textbook – approx. cost £21 Maths for GCSE Textbook: Foundation – includes Answers | CGP Books
You will need a maths set comprising of compass, protractor and ruler etc. but we will discuss this at the first session.
There are higher tier resources available from CGP books, should you choose to study the additional topics covered in the Higher Tier syllabus.
You will also need a scientific calculator – suggested type CASIO fx-85GT PLUS approx. £11-£12
Examination Fees:
Examination costs will be included in the cost of the course.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen, we will discuss which calculator to get.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Progress to a post GCSE course – further / higher education, employment, volunteering or GCE A level.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
Lorraine CarltonI completed my B.Ed in Mathematics at Homerton College, Cambridge in 1989. I have also gained a Level 4 Qualification subject specialism in adult teaching. Since then, I have taught in a variety of settings, focussing mainly on adults. I have taught Adult Maths classes (both Functional Skills and GCSE) for over 21 years.
November 6 (Wednesday) 9:30 am - May 21 (Wednesday) 11:45 am
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
Galfrid Rd, Cambridge CB5 8ND
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 9.30 – 11.45 am
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of assessment by the end of the course.
This course will be held face to face in centre.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
- develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
- gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
- develop your reading level and reading comprehension
- write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
- review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
- assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
November 6 (Wednesday) 6:15 pm - May 21 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 6.00 – 8.15 pm. This course will be held face to face in centre.
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of the assessment by the end of the course.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
• develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
• gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
• develop your reading level and reading comprehension
• write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
• review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
• assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
(Wednesday) 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
1 day
Course details
Brief Description On this short course, you will be introduced to Ikebana, the Japanese Art of Flower arrangement, both Shoinbana, traditional Koryu, Seika style ikebana, and Jiyuuka, free style ikebana, how
Course details
Brief Description
On this short course, you will be introduced to Ikebana, the Japanese Art of Flower arrangement, both Shoinbana, traditional Koryu, Seika style ikebana, and Jiyuuka, free style ikebana, how it relates to nature, and the four seasons. This time you will be introduced Spring/Summer arrangements and settings. Your tutor will discuss Ikebana and Western flower arrangements and demonstrate different style of Ikebana.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
No previous experience or knowledge of flower arrangement is required. Learners who have an interest in Japanese culture, or some knowledge of Ikebana or western flower arrangement and beginners are welcome.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will have the opportunity to:
• Learn about what is Ikebana
• Learn to practice and enjoy basic Ikebana with plants and containers for Summer
• Take your own Ikebana home
• The cost of the course includes a kenzan (a device used in ikebana for fixing the flowers in the container) which is yours to take home and keep.
For the session you will need to bring:
A pair of strong scissors or secateurs and a large bowl or container, for example a salad bowl or decorative suitable vessel. You may like to bring flowers, flowering branches, and leafy materials from your own garden, but this is not essential. The cost of the course includes a kenzan (a device used in ikebana for fixing the flowers in the container) which is yours to take home and keep. Please bring a bin bag, a crate or semi rigid bag (e.g. supermarket hessian bag) to transport your own Ikebana.
Extra costs on the course for materials or equipment :
Flower materials have been included in your course fee (flowers, branches, leafy materials and kenzan are included) – NO extra fee.
You may like to bring flowers, flowering branches, and leafy materials from your own garden, but this is not essential.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The learners can progress to the next level and other seasons, through additional workshops.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£54 – please call the office on 01223 712340 to book and pay with your card
Yukiko IsonoI have been teaching Japanese in the UK since 1980 and have developed Japanese teaching methods for adult learners. I am the author of “BBC Talk Japanese”.
(Wednesday) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
1 day
Course details
Brief Description: Spend the day learning how to weave beautiful willow sculpture for your garden. You will learn how to create a framework for a bird sculpture and a few techniques
Course details
Brief Description:
Spend the day learning how to weave beautiful willow sculpture for your garden. You will learn how to create a framework for a bird sculpture and a few techniques for weaving the shapes, curves and lines that define your chosen bird.
Enjoy expert tuition in a relaxed and fun environment.
Previous Experience and Knowledge needed?
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Learn some basic willow weaving techniques including how to build a framework for sculptures.
- Learn how to grow and prepare willow for weaving
- Make one bird sculpture.
Extra costs of the course?
None – all materials are included in the cost.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A notepad and pen. Feel welcome to bring a snack if desired.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Willow making workshops, frame basketry, obelisks.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£120 To book a place on this course and pay by card, please call the office on 01223 712340
Karen BekKaren is a basketmaker and willow weaver from Norfolk. Her work uses natural materials and focuses on the therapeutic nature of the craft.
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This class of Acting- Scene Study is for those who have already completed a foundation class or who have had some acting training. Using contemporary and modern
Course details
Brief Description:
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have completed the Acting Foundation course, or have had some acting training.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
For the first session you will need to bring:
Wear comfortable clothing
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
A higher level acting course.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge.
Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) Please call the office on 01223 712340 to book and pay with your card.
Vanessa Ackermanis an actor ,writer and educator.She has extensive experience in teaching students of all ages and abilities in a wide range of educational contexts.
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries). We believe that
Course details
Brief Description
This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries).
We believe that learning is an active constructive process; learning through action! We think that speaking is one of the most important ways to learn and boost confidence, so we encourage you to consolidate what you have learnt through role play and conversation. Oral and written interactions, listening comprehension, reading, oral and written expression; learn to use!
All your interests, needs and goals will be taken into consideration to make the learning experience appealing and meaningful. To complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This beginners course will be in its third term. Learners who wish to join at this stage should have knowledge on the subject areas below:
First Term (September):
- Greet people, give and ask for personal information (name, age, profession, nationality, etc)
- Expressing intentions
- Explaining the reasons why you do things
- Talking about places and expressing existence and location
- Talking about the climate
Second Term (January):
- Go shopping (ask for products, price and express preference and need)
- Identifying objects to organize a trip
- Talk about family
- Describe people (physical appearance and personality)
- Order food and drinks in a restaurant or bar
- Express likes and dislikes
Learning Outcomes:
For this final term in Spanish Improvers, you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
Third Term (April):
- Explain your daily routine and speaking about habits
- Describe your town/city and give and ask for directions
- Speaking about past experiences
- Speaking about people’s good and bad points
- Speaking about skills and talents
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Aula international 1 plus .Publisher: Campus Difusion. ISBN 978-84-18032-18-9 (approx. £15-25)
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen
Learners will be able to proceed to the Spanish Improvers course after 3 terms of tuition. there is no obligation to attend more than one term.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more
£150 (£90 concession) to add your name to the waiting list please call 01223 712340
Naomi ZambranoNaomi Zambrano Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language I am a native Colombian speaker, I have extensive teaching experience, tutoring Spanish for over 10 years, having many successful learners of all different ages, levels and nationalities. I am accredited Spanish DELE examiner. I love travel, art and teaching and music is an essential part of my life. I look forward to sharing my language and culture with you!
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This course is suitable for you if have completed approximately 40 hours of lessons. Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar
Course details
Brief Description
This course is suitable for you if have completed approximately 40 hours of lessons. Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar music. The course will provide an introduction to reading music and tablature, successful tuning and replacing strings, playing/performance techniques and building a repertoire of songs and exercises. You will need to bring your own guitar to classes.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Skills attained in Guitar Beginners 1 and 2
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course you will be able to:
1. Read music and understand musical terms to the 3rd level
2. Play major, minor and pentatonic scales with a mind to improvise
3. Extend repertoire of songs to the third level
4. Increase knowledge of chords and music theory and it’s use in more challenging material.
5. Develop picking, finger style and strumming techniques through study of new material
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Cost of a method book available from the tutor at the first session. Approximate cost £5.50
For the first session you will need to bring:
One working guitar; acoustic, classical or steel string.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Your tutor will advise you.
The Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) To book please call the office on 01223 712340 to pay with your card
James FreeJames Free is a multi instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in teaching and performing music. He gained a BA(Hons) degree in Music from Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge in 1998 and a PTLLS teaching qualification also from Cambridge. He has since gone on to perform across the UK, Europe and the United States with a variety of artists and acts at many venues including Glastonbury
April 30 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write
Course details
Brief Description
This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write Hiragana and Katakana and some kanji. You will build up more speaking, listening, and reading and writing skills with proper grammar and sentence structure. On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5.
The course is priced for one term; to complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is suitable for learners who have studied Japanese for about 80 hours, are able to read and write Hiragana and Katakana, and some Kanji, and manage a basic conversation in Japanese. From April the Improvers course will be in its third term, and learners will be expected to have covered the majority of the first and second term outcomes – see below. If you are unsure, the office can put you in contact with the tutor.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the 1st term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- tell about experiences and intentions
- describe qualities or conditions
- give and receive
- describe the present state
- report on information
In the 2nd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- make suggestions and give advice
- action giving and receiving
- learn about Japanese culture and events
- compare two items among three or more items
In the 3rd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- complete Modern Japanese grammar
- Learn 200 kanji and 1000 vocabularies
Extra costs on the course, for example text book, materials or equipment:
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5
The Japanese Intermediate course
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
£170 (£102 concession) Please call 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card
Yukiko IsonoI have been teaching Japanese in the UK since 1980 and have developed Japanese teaching methods for adult learners. I am the author of “BBC Talk Japanese”.
September 25 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - June 11 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
30 evenings (2.5 hrs) plus 5 Saturdays (5 hours)
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year,
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year, (equivalent to the old C grade).
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your Maths qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
General content headings are number, algebra, ratio proportion and rates of change, geometry and measure, probability, statistics. The majority of the course will cover the Foundation syllabus; the tutor will use Higher Tier extension materials where appropriate and the college offers learners the option to be entered into the Higher Tier exams, however this option requires learners to independently study in their own time.
Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5. Higher tier: grades 4 to 9.
The course will be mainly held face to face in centre and runs the whole year including five mandatory exam preparation Saturday day schools. A full schedule of dates will be given out on the first session; we will do our best not to change any dates, but this occasionally happens due to unforeseen circumstances.
New this year is the option to do a blended approach – speak to the tutor if you wish to access some of the evening lessons remotely using Microsoft TEAMS.
Saturday dates: 9th November 2024, 7th December 2024, 1st February 2025, 1st March 2025, 10th May 2025.
The course will be taught as a linear course and certification is available in May/June 2025, the qualification consists of three equally weighted written examination papers. All three papers must be at the same tier of entry and must be completed in May/June 2025. Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Paper 1 is a non-calculator exam; a calculator is allowed for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
GCSE maths is expected to take between 120 and 140 hours of study – you will attend taught classes for 100 hours, and complete an additional 20 hours mandatory content – through set homework tasks which will be marked and are a compulsory part of the course. You will need to spend more time self-studying certain topics to bring your skills up to the required level. You are required to have independent study skills, and to set yourself appropriate goals and targets. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn, and you will be liable for the full cost of the course.
PLEASE NOTE: GCSE exams will take place during the day at Coleridge Community College. The dates are published by the exam board and all candidates must sit the exam then – expect to book leave / holiday from work / childcare as needed. Dates are: Thursday 15/5/25 (morning), Wednesday 4/6/25 (morning) and Wednesday 11/6/25 (morning).
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the whole year course you will have the opportunity to:
develop a positive attitude to mathematics;
consolidate basic skills and meet appropriately challenging work;
apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve problems;
think and communicate mathematically – precisely, logically and creatively;
appreciate the place and use of mathematics in society;
apply mathematical concepts to situations arising in their own lives;
understand the interdependence of different branches of mathematics;
acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively;
acquire a firm foundation for further study.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have studied Mathematics to Functional Skills Level 2 or have a recent GCSE Grade D (or equivalent).
Please speak to the office if you have O-levels / CSEs or qualifications from outside the UK.
You are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of maths levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
Access Arrangements for Exams / Learning Difficulties
The exam board has very specific requirements for those who need access arrangements for exams (additional time, laptops, modified papers). It is your responsibility to provide the relevant supporting documents to the office if you require additional time or access arrangements for exams. Please note such arrangements are only granted for 3 years (by JCQ), and those granted by universities are not valid for GCSE exams.
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
All learners: Textbook – approx. cost £21 Maths for GCSE Textbook: Foundation – includes Answers | CGP Books
You will need a maths set comprising of compass, protractor and ruler etc. but we will discuss this at the first session.
There are higher tier resources available from CGP books, should you choose to study the additional topics covered in the Higher Tier syllabus.
You will also need a scientific calculator – suggested type CASIO fx-85GT PLUS approx. £11-£12
Examination Fees:
Examination costs will be included in the cost of the course.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen, we will discuss which calculator to get.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Progress to a post GCSE course – further / higher education, employment, volunteering or GCE A level.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
Lorraine CarltonI completed my B.Ed in Mathematics at Homerton College, Cambridge in 1989. I have also gained a Level 4 Qualification subject specialism in adult teaching. Since then, I have taught in a variety of settings, focussing mainly on adults. I have taught Adult Maths classes (both Functional Skills and GCSE) for over 21 years.
November 6 (Wednesday) 9:30 am - May 21 (Wednesday) 11:45 am
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
Galfrid Rd, Cambridge CB5 8ND
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 9.30 – 11.45 am
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of assessment by the end of the course.
This course will be held face to face in centre.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
- develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
- gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
- develop your reading level and reading comprehension
- write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
- review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
- assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
November 6 (Wednesday) 6:15 pm - May 21 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
24 weeks
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study
Course details
This whole year funded course of English Functional Skills is for adults wanting to achieve a qualification in Functional Skills English (up to and including Level 2). You will study a range of English skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening – based upon real-life settings.
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your English qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
Starting in November. Day and Time: Wednesday 6.00 – 8.15 pm. This course will be held face to face in centre.
Functional skills are practical skills in English that allow learners to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. These courses are not suitable for learning English as a foreign language.
The classes are generally small, delivered to suit your starting point and assessments are offered through City and Guilds after 55 hours teaching. You will need to complete an initial assessment prior to starting the course, where it will be discussed if you meet the criteria for a funded place.
Call the office on 01223 712340 for an initial chat about this course.
The course runs term-time (no classes during school holidays) from November 2024 until the end of May 2025; English Functional Skills has three parts to the assessment – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening – you will sit all parts of the assessment by the end of the course.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn and you will be liable for the full cost of the course. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
No previous experience required. All learners are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of English levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
By the end of the 24 week course you will have the opportunity to:
• develop skills and understanding which will help you feel more confident in using English in everyday life.
• gain confidence in speaking, listening and communicating
• develop your reading level and reading comprehension
• write in a variety of contexts for a variety of everyday uses: letters, emails, fiction, formal/informal writing.
• review your progress regularly with the tutor and individual progress will be monitored and recorded on regular basis through the use of ILPs, tutor notes and feedback.
• assess your progress through a functional skills qualification / assessment.
Notebook and pen
You will be required to sign a form agreeing to exam dates. Fees are only incurred if you do not attend exam dates as agreed.
Progress to a post Level 2 English course (maybe GCSE). At the end of the course you will be given one-to-one information and advice as required, to ensure that appropriate progression routes are clearly identified.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This class of Acting- Scene Study is for those who have already completed a foundation class or who have had some acting training. Using contemporary and modern
Course details
Brief Description:
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have completed the Acting Foundation course, or have had some acting training.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
For the first session you will need to bring:
Wear comfortable clothing
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
A higher level acting course.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge.
Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) Please call the office on 01223 712340 to book and pay with your card.
Vanessa Ackermanis an actor ,writer and educator.She has extensive experience in teaching students of all ages and abilities in a wide range of educational contexts.
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries). We believe that
Course details
Brief Description
This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries).
We believe that learning is an active constructive process; learning through action! We think that speaking is one of the most important ways to learn and boost confidence, so we encourage you to consolidate what you have learnt through role play and conversation. Oral and written interactions, listening comprehension, reading, oral and written expression; learn to use!
All your interests, needs and goals will be taken into consideration to make the learning experience appealing and meaningful. To complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This beginners course will be in its third term. Learners who wish to join at this stage should have knowledge on the subject areas below:
First Term (September):
- Greet people, give and ask for personal information (name, age, profession, nationality, etc)
- Expressing intentions
- Explaining the reasons why you do things
- Talking about places and expressing existence and location
- Talking about the climate
Second Term (January):
- Go shopping (ask for products, price and express preference and need)
- Identifying objects to organize a trip
- Talk about family
- Describe people (physical appearance and personality)
- Order food and drinks in a restaurant or bar
- Express likes and dislikes
Learning Outcomes:
For this final term in Spanish Improvers, you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
Third Term (April):
- Explain your daily routine and speaking about habits
- Describe your town/city and give and ask for directions
- Speaking about past experiences
- Speaking about people’s good and bad points
- Speaking about skills and talents
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Aula international 1 plus .Publisher: Campus Difusion. ISBN 978-84-18032-18-9 (approx. £15-25)
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen
Learners will be able to proceed to the Spanish Improvers course after 3 terms of tuition. there is no obligation to attend more than one term.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more
£150 (£90 concession) to add your name to the waiting list please call 01223 712340
Naomi ZambranoNaomi Zambrano Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language I am a native Colombian speaker, I have extensive teaching experience, tutoring Spanish for over 10 years, having many successful learners of all different ages, levels and nationalities. I am accredited Spanish DELE examiner. I love travel, art and teaching and music is an essential part of my life. I look forward to sharing my language and culture with you!
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This course is suitable for you if have completed approximately 40 hours of lessons. Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar
Course details
Brief Description
This course is suitable for you if have completed approximately 40 hours of lessons. Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar music. The course will provide an introduction to reading music and tablature, successful tuning and replacing strings, playing/performance techniques and building a repertoire of songs and exercises. You will need to bring your own guitar to classes.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Skills attained in Guitar Beginners 1 and 2
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course you will be able to:
1. Read music and understand musical terms to the 3rd level
2. Play major, minor and pentatonic scales with a mind to improvise
3. Extend repertoire of songs to the third level
4. Increase knowledge of chords and music theory and it’s use in more challenging material.
5. Develop picking, finger style and strumming techniques through study of new material
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Cost of a method book available from the tutor at the first session. Approximate cost £5.50
For the first session you will need to bring:
One working guitar; acoustic, classical or steel string.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Your tutor will advise you.
The Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) To book please call the office on 01223 712340 to pay with your card
James FreeJames Free is a multi instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in teaching and performing music. He gained a BA(Hons) degree in Music from Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge in 1998 and a PTLLS teaching qualification also from Cambridge. He has since gone on to perform across the UK, Europe and the United States with a variety of artists and acts at many venues including Glastonbury
April 30 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write
Course details
Brief Description
This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write Hiragana and Katakana and some kanji. You will build up more speaking, listening, and reading and writing skills with proper grammar and sentence structure. On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5.
The course is priced for one term; to complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is suitable for learners who have studied Japanese for about 80 hours, are able to read and write Hiragana and Katakana, and some Kanji, and manage a basic conversation in Japanese. From April the Improvers course will be in its third term, and learners will be expected to have covered the majority of the first and second term outcomes – see below. If you are unsure, the office can put you in contact with the tutor.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the 1st term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- tell about experiences and intentions
- describe qualities or conditions
- give and receive
- describe the present state
- report on information
In the 2nd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- make suggestions and give advice
- action giving and receiving
- learn about Japanese culture and events
- compare two items among three or more items
In the 3rd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- complete Modern Japanese grammar
- Learn 200 kanji and 1000 vocabularies
Extra costs on the course, for example text book, materials or equipment:
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5
The Japanese Intermediate course
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
£170 (£102 concession) Please call 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card
Yukiko IsonoI have been teaching Japanese in the UK since 1980 and have developed Japanese teaching methods for adult learners. I am the author of “BBC Talk Japanese”.
September 25 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm - June 11 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
30 evenings (2.5 hrs) plus 5 Saturdays (5 hours)
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year,
Course details
The one-year Maths GCSE course will be taught at Foundation Tier – the funding is given to enable you to gain a grade 4 or 5, within one academic year, (equivalent to the old C grade).
Do you need to update your CV? Did you not achieve your Maths qualification through school? Are you 19 years old or over?
General content headings are number, algebra, ratio proportion and rates of change, geometry and measure, probability, statistics. The majority of the course will cover the Foundation syllabus; the tutor will use Higher Tier extension materials where appropriate and the college offers learners the option to be entered into the Higher Tier exams, however this option requires learners to independently study in their own time.
Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5. Higher tier: grades 4 to 9.
The course will be mainly held face to face in centre and runs the whole year including five mandatory exam preparation Saturday day schools. A full schedule of dates will be given out on the first session; we will do our best not to change any dates, but this occasionally happens due to unforeseen circumstances.
New this year is the option to do a blended approach – speak to the tutor if you wish to access some of the evening lessons remotely using Microsoft TEAMS.
Saturday dates: 9th November 2024, 7th December 2024, 1st February 2025, 1st March 2025, 10th May 2025.
The course will be taught as a linear course and certification is available in May/June 2025, the qualification consists of three equally weighted written examination papers. All three papers must be at the same tier of entry and must be completed in May/June 2025. Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Paper 1 is a non-calculator exam; a calculator is allowed for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
GCSE maths is expected to take between 120 and 140 hours of study – you will attend taught classes for 100 hours, and complete an additional 20 hours mandatory content – through set homework tasks which will be marked and are a compulsory part of the course. You will need to spend more time self-studying certain topics to bring your skills up to the required level. You are required to have independent study skills, and to set yourself appropriate goals and targets. You will be assessed through the lessons and by homework.
The course is fully funded by Cambridgeshire Skills – full attendance is required. You will complete an enrolment form, so that funding can be applied for; you will also need to provide your National Insurance number and show a form of photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc.). Failure to meet these criteria means that funding is withdrawn, and you will be liable for the full cost of the course.
PLEASE NOTE: GCSE exams will take place during the day at Coleridge Community College. The dates are published by the exam board and all candidates must sit the exam then – expect to book leave / holiday from work / childcare as needed. Dates are: Thursday 15/5/25 (morning), Wednesday 4/6/25 (morning) and Wednesday 11/6/25 (morning).
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the whole year course you will have the opportunity to:
develop a positive attitude to mathematics;
consolidate basic skills and meet appropriately challenging work;
apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve problems;
think and communicate mathematically – precisely, logically and creatively;
appreciate the place and use of mathematics in society;
apply mathematical concepts to situations arising in their own lives;
understand the interdependence of different branches of mathematics;
acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively;
acquire a firm foundation for further study.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have studied Mathematics to Functional Skills Level 2 or have a recent GCSE Grade D (or equivalent).
Please speak to the office if you have O-levels / CSEs or qualifications from outside the UK.
You are required to complete an initial assessment / screening of maths levels prior to enrolment on the course – please telephone the office on 01223 712340 to make an appointment.
If the assessor feels this course is not suitable in the initial assessment period they will signpost learners to alternative, more appropriate courses.
Access Arrangements for Exams / Learning Difficulties
The exam board has very specific requirements for those who need access arrangements for exams (additional time, laptops, modified papers). It is your responsibility to provide the relevant supporting documents to the office if you require additional time or access arrangements for exams. Please note such arrangements are only granted for 3 years (by JCQ), and those granted by universities are not valid for GCSE exams.
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
All learners: Textbook – approx. cost £21 Maths for GCSE Textbook: Foundation – includes Answers | CGP Books
You will need a maths set comprising of compass, protractor and ruler etc. but we will discuss this at the first session.
There are higher tier resources available from CGP books, should you choose to study the additional topics covered in the Higher Tier syllabus.
You will also need a scientific calculator – suggested type CASIO fx-85GT PLUS approx. £11-£12
Examination Fees:
Examination costs will be included in the cost of the course.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen, we will discuss which calculator to get.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Progress to a post GCSE course – further / higher education, employment, volunteering or GCE A level.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office on 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment or email
Lorraine CarltonI completed my B.Ed in Mathematics at Homerton College, Cambridge in 1989. I have also gained a Level 4 Qualification subject specialism in adult teaching. Since then, I have taught in a variety of settings, focussing mainly on adults. I have taught Adult Maths classes (both Functional Skills and GCSE) for over 21 years.
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This class of Acting- Scene Study is for those who have already completed a foundation class or who have had some acting training. Using contemporary and modern
Course details
Brief Description:
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
You should have completed the Acting Foundation course, or have had some acting training.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
For the first session you will need to bring:
Wear comfortable clothing
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
A higher level acting course.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturdays and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge.
Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) Please call the office on 01223 712340 to book and pay with your card.
Vanessa Ackermanis an actor ,writer and educator.She has extensive experience in teaching students of all ages and abilities in a wide range of educational contexts.
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:30 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries). We believe that
Course details
Brief Description
This is a course for beginners where you will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations in Spanish speaking countries (Spain and 20 Latin American countries).
We believe that learning is an active constructive process; learning through action! We think that speaking is one of the most important ways to learn and boost confidence, so we encourage you to consolidate what you have learnt through role play and conversation. Oral and written interactions, listening comprehension, reading, oral and written expression; learn to use!
All your interests, needs and goals will be taken into consideration to make the learning experience appealing and meaningful. To complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This beginners course will be in its third term. Learners who wish to join at this stage should have knowledge on the subject areas below:
First Term (September):
- Greet people, give and ask for personal information (name, age, profession, nationality, etc)
- Expressing intentions
- Explaining the reasons why you do things
- Talking about places and expressing existence and location
- Talking about the climate
Second Term (January):
- Go shopping (ask for products, price and express preference and need)
- Identifying objects to organize a trip
- Talk about family
- Describe people (physical appearance and personality)
- Order food and drinks in a restaurant or bar
- Express likes and dislikes
Learning Outcomes:
For this final term in Spanish Improvers, you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
Third Term (April):
- Explain your daily routine and speaking about habits
- Describe your town/city and give and ask for directions
- Speaking about past experiences
- Speaking about people’s good and bad points
- Speaking about skills and talents
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Aula international 1 plus .Publisher: Campus Difusion. ISBN 978-84-18032-18-9 (approx. £15-25)
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen
Learners will be able to proceed to the Spanish Improvers course after 3 terms of tuition. there is no obligation to attend more than one term.
Adult Learn and Train offer courses through-out the year.
Try similar courses or look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more
£150 (£90 concession) to add your name to the waiting list please call 01223 712340
Naomi ZambranoNaomi Zambrano Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language I am a native Colombian speaker, I have extensive teaching experience, tutoring Spanish for over 10 years, having many successful learners of all different ages, levels and nationalities. I am accredited Spanish DELE examiner. I love travel, art and teaching and music is an essential part of my life. I look forward to sharing my language and culture with you!
April 30 (Wednesday) 6:45 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This course is suitable for you if have completed approximately 40 hours of lessons. Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar
Course details
Brief Description
This course is suitable for you if have completed approximately 40 hours of lessons. Techniques and skills will be aimed at preparing you to play any style of guitar music. The course will provide an introduction to reading music and tablature, successful tuning and replacing strings, playing/performance techniques and building a repertoire of songs and exercises. You will need to bring your own guitar to classes.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Skills attained in Guitar Beginners 1 and 2
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course you will be able to:
1. Read music and understand musical terms to the 3rd level
2. Play major, minor and pentatonic scales with a mind to improvise
3. Extend repertoire of songs to the third level
4. Increase knowledge of chords and music theory and it’s use in more challenging material.
5. Develop picking, finger style and strumming techniques through study of new material
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
Cost of a method book available from the tutor at the first session. Approximate cost £5.50
For the first session you will need to bring:
One working guitar; acoustic, classical or steel string.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
Your tutor will advise you.
The Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Try similar courses or maybe look at learning something completely new.
You will find provision on some Saturday and Sundays, you will also find courses available in the day and evening at different venues in Cambridge. Courses vary in length from one-off sessions to 10 weeks or more.
£150 (£90 concession) To book please call the office on 01223 712340 to pay with your card
James FreeJames Free is a multi instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in teaching and performing music. He gained a BA(Hons) degree in Music from Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge in 1998 and a PTLLS teaching qualification also from Cambridge. He has since gone on to perform across the UK, Europe and the United States with a variety of artists and acts at many venues including Glastonbury
April 30 (Wednesday) 7:00 pm - July 9 (Wednesday) 9:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write
Course details
Brief Description
This Japanese course is for learners who have completed a Beginners course and have had the opportunity to develop basic Japanese conversation skills and can read and write Hiragana and Katakana and some kanji. You will build up more speaking, listening, and reading and writing skills with proper grammar and sentence structure. On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5.
The course is priced for one term; to complete the full course and cover all the learning outcomes listed below you will need to attend all 3 terms (there is no obligation to attend more than one term).
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is suitable for learners who have studied Japanese for about 80 hours, are able to read and write Hiragana and Katakana, and some Kanji, and manage a basic conversation in Japanese. From April the Improvers course will be in its third term, and learners will be expected to have covered the majority of the first and second term outcomes – see below. If you are unsure, the office can put you in contact with the tutor.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the 1st term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- tell about experiences and intentions
- describe qualities or conditions
- give and receive
- describe the present state
- report on information
In the 2nd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- make suggestions and give advice
- action giving and receiving
- learn about Japanese culture and events
- compare two items among three or more items
In the 3rd term you will have the opportunity to learn how to:
- complete Modern Japanese grammar
- Learn 200 kanji and 1000 vocabularies
Extra costs on the course, for example text book, materials or equipment:
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
On completion of this course you will be ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N 5
The Japanese Intermediate course
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
£170 (£102 concession) Please call 01223 712340 to book your place and pay by card
Yukiko IsonoI have been teaching Japanese in the UK since 1980 and have developed Japanese teaching methods for adult learners. I am the author of “BBC Talk Japanese”.