Once you are enrolled onto your course, confirmation will follow. If you are unclear on any details of your course please contact the office for clarification.

If you have not received any confirmation, please contact the Adult Learn and Train team on:
01223 712340

Important Information:

  • If the course is cancelled, we will contact you to offer an alternative or a full refund.
  • Lesson closure is sometimes necessary due to tutor illness or unforeseen circumstances. The lesson dates are advertised at the time of booking but may be subject to change. Missed sessions will be added either to the end of the course, during a half-term break, or an extra session during the week. There will not be an option for a refund in this circumstance.
  • Free Parking is available in the evening at all centres on a first come first serve basis; if you require accessible parking (blue badge holders) please contact the centre concerned to reserve a space.
  • All college premises are strictly NO SMOKING sites, any learners wishing to smoke are asked to do so away from the immediate vicinity of the college.
  • Upon enrolment you will receive learner information about college support and signposts to policies and regulations.
  • In the event of severe weather conditions that result in school closure: please check the website or tune into local radio for up-to-date information.
  • Course materials or resources are whenever possible included in the cost of the course, however some courses will require learners to purchase additional resources. Please check your course description carefully for full details.

Term Dates:

Autumn term 2024:

Start of term: Monday 23rd September

Half Term: 28th October to 1st November

Proposed end of term: Friday 6th December

Weekend and Day Schools in 2024:

  • Saturday 14th September
  • Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th October
  • Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December

Spring Term 2025:

Start of term: Monday 13th January

Half Term: 17th – 21st February

Proposed end of term: Friday 28th March

Weekend and Day Schools in Spring 2025:

  • Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February
  • Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th April

Summer Term 2025:

Start of term: Monday 28th April

Half Term: 26th – 30th May

Proposed end of term: Monday 14th July

Weekend and Day Schools in Summer 2025:

  • Saturday 17th May
  • Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th August


Find us on Facebook: Adult Learn and Train | Facebook

Find us on Instagram: Adult_Learn_and_Train | Instagram



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