Art & Crafts
Computing and Photography
English & Maths
English as a Foreign Language
General Courses
Mind & Body
Foreign Language
Event Location
Arbury Road Baptist Church
Coleridge Community College
Parkside Community College
St Augustine of Canterbury
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
The Fields Children's Centre
Trumpington Community College
January 13 (Monday) 6:30 pm - March 24 (Monday) 8:30 pm
Parkside Community College
Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1EH
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: The Advanced English course is intended for learners who have a good command of English, and wish to develop a wider and more authentic range of vocabulary and
Course details
Brief Description:
The Advanced English course is intended for learners who have a good command of English, and wish to develop a wider and more authentic range of vocabulary and grammar via listening, speaking and reading. It will focus on high-frequency but advanced language, both formal and informal, which can be used in all areas of everyday life.
Applicants for this course do not need to have passed any exams, but should preferably be able to use language flexibly and effectively for social, professional or academic purposes, and produce clear, well-structured, detailed speech on complex subjects. They should be able to cope with listening and reading exercises of a level equivalent to their own speaking or slightly higher.
The course can include practice of writing if there is demand for it, and individual requests for particular topics can be catered for.
You should be at a high B2 or C1 level. Adult learn and train ask all English as a Foreign Language learners to complete an assessment test for placement purposes. To book an appointment, call the office on 01223 712340.
Typical grammar topics covered include ways to create emphasis, conditional sentences and hypothetical situations, different uses of the infinitive and gerund (“-ing” form), relative clauses and the use of modal verbs such as will, must etc for ability, permission and logical deduction.
Vocabulary work will include idioms and slang, phrasal verbs, common collocations (word pairs), and how to generate different forms of words using prefixes and suffixes, as well as vocabulary on specific subjects such as work, leisure and education.
There are no examinations for this course. If you would like to complete an exam, speak to your tutor you can advise you on venues, dates and prices of exams. This course only covers tuition.
A4 file, notebook and pen / pencil
Your tutor will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
£145 (£87 concession) Level assessment before joining course may be needed – please contact the office on either 01223 712340 or to arrange this or to make payment.
Tom ConwayTom Conway has taught Cambridge exam courses in Cambridge since 2001 and for four years overseas before that. In addition to teaching, he has also marked exam papers for Cambridge Assessment, and has extensive experience of the formats and marking criteria of the First, Advanced, Proficiency and IELTS exams. He has both CELTA and DELTA qualifications in teaching English as a Foreign Language
January 13 (Monday) 10:00 am - March 24 (Monday) 12:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This Basic English course in Cambridge is aimed at learners who only have some basic English. The course will help you to understand and speak English with more confidence
Course details
Brief Description:
This Basic English course in Cambridge is aimed at learners who only have some basic English. The course will help you to understand and speak English with more confidence and ability. Lessons will focus on language needed for daily life in the UK and topics will include travel, shopping, visiting the doctor, where you live, going to school, sport, and so on. There will be practice for social conversations, and you will improve your vocabulary and learn to speak grammatically. The lessons will include some basic grammar, speaking and listening, pronunciation work, reading and writing. There is no formal exam associated with this course.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again).
Eligibility to gain a funded place:
You must be over 19 years old and have lived in the UK / an EU country for the last 3 years, assessment before placement is essential; please call the office on 01223 712340 for further information and other funding requirements. There will be some paperwork to complete. Learners are encouraged to get help from a friend/family member who can translate the wording and meanings.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Some basic English is needed. An assessment test is needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment call the office on 01223 712340.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Prepositions of places
- Vocabulary around things in the house
- Being able to use there is/there are with ‘some’ and ‘any’ (with countable nouns)
- Being able to talk about skills and abilities (things we can and can’t do)
- Writing a formal letter
- Talking and reading about past events using the Simple Past tense (regular and irregular verbs)
- Time expressions (e.g ago), ordinal numbers and dates
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
No course book is required. The tutor will supply you with photocopied material.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen/pencil
Examination Fees:
There is no exam attached to this course
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The tutor will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment.
January 13 (Monday) 12:30 pm - March 24 (Monday) 2:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This Basic English course in Cambridge is aimed at learners who only have some basic English. The course will help you to understand and speak English with more confidence
Course details
Brief Description:
This Basic English course in Cambridge is aimed at learners who only have some basic English. The course will help you to understand and speak English with more confidence and ability. Lessons will focus on language needed for daily life in the UK and topics will include travel, shopping, visiting the doctor, where you live, going to school, sport, and so on. There will be practice for social conversations, and you will improve your vocabulary and learn to speak grammatically. The lessons will include some basic grammar, speaking and listening, pronunciation work, reading and writing. There is no formal exam associated with this course.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again)
Eligibility to gain a funded place:
You must be over 19 years old and have lived in the UK / an EU country for the last 3 years, assessment before placement is essential; please call the office on 01223 712340 for further information and other funding requirements. There will be some paperwork to complete. Learners are encouraged to get help from a friend/family member who can translate wording and meaning
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Some basic English is needed. An assessment test is needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment call the office on 01223 712340.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- vocabulary around rooms and objects in the house
- being able to write about where you live
- being able to talk and write about skills and abilities (things we can and can’t do)
- Homophones
- Writing a letter of application for a job
- Talking about past events (being able to compare Simple Present and Simple Past tense)
- Being able to write about your last holiday
- Being able to recognise parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions)
- Using linking words such as because, when and until
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
No course book is required. The tutor will supply you with photocopied material.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen/pencil
Examination Fees:
There is no exam attached to this course
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The tutor will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment.
January 14 (Tuesday) 10:00 am - March 25 (Tuesday) 12:00 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: This Basic English course in Cambridge is aimed at learners who have some basic English, but are not complete beginners. The course will help you to understand and speak
Course details
Brief Description:
This Basic English course in Cambridge is aimed at learners who have some basic English, but are not complete beginners. The course will help you to understand and speak English with more confidence and ability. Lessons will focus on language needed for daily life in the UK and topics will include travel, shopping, visiting the doctor, where you live, going to school, sport, and so on. There will be practice for social conversations, and you will improve your vocabulary and learn to speak grammatically. The lessons will include some basic grammar, speaking and listening, pronunciation work, reading and writing. There is no formal exam associated with this course.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again).
Eligibility to gain a funded place:
You must be over 19 years old and have lived in the UK / an EU country for the last 3 years, assessment before placement is essential; please call the office on 01223 712340 for further information and other funding requirements. There will be some paperwork to complete. Learners are encouraged to get help from a friend/family member who can translate wording and the meanings.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
Some English is needed. An assessment test is needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment call the office on 01223 712340.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Describe places and locations: Use “there is/there are” to talk about rooms, furniture, and places in towns; practice prepositions and weak forms like “there’s” and “there are.”
- Express possibility: Use “can” for possibility and practice word stress and weak forms to describe activities and locations in town.
- Practice shopping interactions: Use polite intonation for offering help and asking questions in shopping situations, and learn vocabulary related to things to buy.
- Understand and use food vocabulary: Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns with food and drink vocabulary; practice weak forms like “some”, “any”, “a”, and “an.”
- Talk about past experiences: Use past simple tense (was/were) and life story collocations to describe personal history, and practice asking follow-up questions using “did you.”
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
No course book is required. The tutor will supply you with photocopied material.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen/pencil
Examination Fees:
There is no exam attached to this course
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The tutor will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is also able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment.
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning:
January 14 (Tuesday) 12:30 pm - March 25 (Tuesday) 2:30 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief description: Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language. This course is focused on people wanting to improve their
Course details
Brief description:
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language.
This course is focused on people wanting to improve their English language skills for work. The level of this English for work course is intermediate.
We will look at how to organise and look at a letter of application, use vocabulary for jobs and industries and make suggestions and give advice to someone.
Learners will have an opportunity to give a presentation and learn to describe charts, graphs and talk about changes. We will look at how to send a business email and write a formal letter. We will also look at how to use polite telephone English and exchange opinions (how to be comfortable in agreeing, disagreeing and giving opinions). Learners will learn have to and don’t have to and common business expressions and vocabulary. We will also look at Prepositions of time, making appointments over the telephone and how to change appointments. Learners will also look at language used to report speech and questions, for example, ‘did anyone call?’. Finally, explaining and giving reasons for things, expressing feelings, likes and dislikes as well as giving and responding to advice. No textbook is needed, and course materials will be provided.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again).
This course is funded through Cambridgeshire Skills: See funding eligibility below:
If you are 19 or over, have lived in an EU country / the UK for 3 or more years, and are at the right level, full funding is available. You will need to supply proof of identity and full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
If you are not eligible for funding but would benefit from the course, you can attend by paying a tuition fee of £145 (£87 concession) per 10-week term.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
To confirm this course is the correct level for you an assessment test will be needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment, call the office on 01223 712340 or email
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course you will be able to:
Make predictions and discuss technology: Use future tenses for making predictions, time markers, and talk about technological changes now, in the past, and in the future.
Handle misunderstandings and communicate effectively: Practice reformulating ideas and using functional language for resolving communication issues, including discussing virtual technologies.
Talk about work and personal qualities: Use modal verbs like “must have” and “should” to describe job requirements and personal qualities, and talk about past habits using “used to” and “would.”
Manage business conversations: Learn functional language for reaching agreements in business settings, and practice polite conversation techniques such as confirming information and using question tags.
Talk about emotions and hypothetical situations: Use conditionals (zero, first, and second) to discuss real and hypothetical situations, and practice describing emotions with -ing and -ed adjectives.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
The tutor will advise in the first lesson
For the first session you will need to bring:
A notebook and pen and pencil.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The college has many English for work levels, talk with your tutor who will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. However, this course is now full. Please call the office on 01223 712340 or email to be added to the waiting list. Alternatively, there are still places available on the same level in the evening course.
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning:
January 13 (Monday) 6:45 pm - March 24 (Monday) 8:45 pm
Parkside Community College
Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1EH
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief description: Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language. This course is focused on people wanting to improve their
Course details
Brief description:
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language.
This course is focused on people wanting to improve their English language skills for work. The level of this English for work course is intermediate.
We will look at how to organise and look at a letter of application, use vocabulary for jobs and industries and make suggestions and give advice to someone.
Learners will have an opportunity to give a presentation and learn to describe charts, graphs and talk about changes. We will look at how to send a business email and write a formal letter. We will also look at how to use polite telephone English and exchange opinions (how to be comfortable in agreeing, disagreeing and giving opinions). Learners will learn have to and don’t have to and common business expressions and vocabulary. We will also look at Prepositions of time, making appointments over the telephone and how to change appointments. Learners will also look at language used to report speech and questions, for example, ‘did anyone call?’. Finally, explaining and giving reasons for things, expressing feelings, likes and dislikes as well as giving and responding to advice. No textbook is needed, and course materials will be provided.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again).
This course is funded through Cambridgeshire Skills: See funding eligibility below:
If you are 19 or over, have lived in an EU country / the UK for 3 or more years and are at the right level, full funding is available. You will need to supply proof of identity and full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
If you are not eligible for funding but would benefit from the course, you can attend by paying a tuition fee of £145 (£87 concession) per 10 week term.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
To confirm this course is the correct level for you an assessment test will be needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment, call the office on 01223 712340 or email
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Improve pronunciation.
- Focus on recognizing and producing different sounds.
- Pay attention to word stress patterns.
- Expand vocabulary and enhance accuracy.
- Have a conversation about life experiences
- Talk about jobs and work-related topics
- Using modal verbs and phrases
- Talk about phones and phone companies
- Describing what people are wearing
- Discussing education and future plans
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
The tutor will advise in the first lesson
For the first session you will need to bring:
A notebook and pen and pencil.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The college has many English for work levels, talk with your tutor who will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment.
Beverley SharpBeverley has been an English Language tutor for over thirty years. She has taught a wide range of levels, from Elementary to Proficiency, and a wide number of exams. She has met learners from all over the world and is an enthusiastic and positive teacher.
January 16 (Thursday) 6:45 pm - March 27 (Thursday) 8:45 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief description: Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language. This course is focused on people wanting to improve their
Course details
Brief description:
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language.
This course is focused on people wanting to improve their English language skills for work. The level of this English for work course is lower advanced.
We will look at how to organise and look at a letter of application, use vocabulary for jobs and industries and make suggestions and give advice to someone.
This course intends to help students increase vocabulary, understand grammar use and improve pronunciation in order to gain confidence and proficiency. They will develop their ability to analyse complex text and engage in topical discussion with peers and native speakers. Some of the topics covered are: formal and informal introductions; asking and answering questions; writing for publications and analysing published works and composing assignments; asking for advice and making and responding to suggestions. No textbook is needed, and course materials will be provided.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again).
Please note: There will be no class on Thursday 17th October (due to a school event) and Thursday 31st October (half term).
This course is funded through Cambridgeshire Skills: See funding eligibility below:
If you are 19 or over, have lived in an EU country / the UK for 3 or more years and are at the right level, full funding is available. You will need to supply proof of identity and full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
If you are not eligible for funding but would benefit from the course, you can attend by paying a tuition fee of £145 (£87 concession) per 10 week term.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
To confirm this course is the correct level for you an assessment test will be needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment, call the office on 01223 712340 or email
Learning Outcomes
This course intends to help students increase vocabulary, understand grammar use and improve pronunciation in order to gain confidence and proficiency. They will develop their ability to analyse complex text and engage in topical discussion with peers and native speakers.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Talk about the weather and natural disasters
- Discuss plants, trees, and animal issues
- Talk about crimes and related issues
- Agreeing and disagreeing
- Preparing and delivering a presentation
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Talking about celebrations and events
- Use phrases and expressions for scheduling and organizing meetings or events.
- Review and practice zero, first, second, and third conditionals.
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
The tutor will advise in the first lesson.
For the first session you will need to bring:
A notebook and pen and pencil.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The college has many English for work levels, talk with your tutor who will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. However, this course is now full. Please call the office on 01223 712340 or email to be added to the waiting list. Alternatively, there are still places available on the same level in the evening course.
Beverley SharpBeverley has been an English Language tutor for over thirty years. She has taught a wide range of levels, from Elementary to Proficiency, and a wide number of exams. She has met learners from all over the world and is an enthusiastic and positive teacher.
January 15 (Wednesday) 9:45 am - March 27 (Thursday) 11:45 am
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language. This online course is aimed at learners who have a good intermediate level
Course details
Our English for work courses are suitable for learners where English is not their first language.
This online course is aimed at learners who have a good intermediate level of English but, because of limited English ability, struggle with certain aspects of their jobs, or even to get a job.
This course is taught online. To participate in online classes you will need an email address, a reliable internet connection, a computer/laptop/tablet with fully updated browser (preferably Google Chrome).
You will need to attend the online course on both days – Wednesday and Thursday at the specified time.
You will gain confidence, improve your listening and written and spoken English. These skills will improve your chances of gaining employment, or to move up into a job with better pay and prospects. Part of the course will be based on the needs of individual learners; and this will be discussed in the first lesson. You will also learn about UK work culture, how it may differ from other countries, and the course will answer some of the questions you might have about the differences between your way of life and what you see around you in the UK.
Your English skills will define the jobs you can apply for in the UK, and improving those skills will help, not only in this country, but will greatly improve your employability and promotion prospects should you later return to your home country.
Poor English skills can have serious consequences – from language misunderstandings that can cause the loss of money or angry clients, to constant embarrassment at not being able to chat with clients and colleagues in a social context or even over lunch! You may be seen as unfriendly, or rude, which is also not good for your career.
The course is funded per term; you may find, as most learners do, that you will need more than one term to be prepared for any higher level courses or future exams (if you choose to enter for them). If this is the case you will be offered the opportunity to re-enrol and pay for another term (or if still available we may be able to fund you again)
This course is funded through Cambridgeshire Skills: See funding eligibility below:
If you are 19 or over, have lived in an EU country / the UK for 3 or more years and are at the right level, full funding is available. You will need to supply proof of identity and full attendance is required; you will also need to complete an enrolment form so that the office can apply for the funding and complete an individual learning plan weekly with your tutor.
If you are not eligible for funding but would benefit from the course, you can attend by paying a tuition fee of £290 (£174 concession) per 10 week term.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
If you have not recently passed the PET exam, an assessment test will be needed for placement purposes. To book an appointment, call the office on 01223 712340 or email
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- expand your vocabulary on topic-based lexical areas
- put new vocabulary into practice and develop your ability to ‘build’ new words adding prefixes and suffixes
- continue to practise ‘fine-tuning’ of pronunciation of difficult sounds and use appropriate rhythm and intonation
- talk and read about up-to-date stimulating topics, using the key words and necessary phrases,
- revise your knowledge of main grammar structures and learn more sophisticated structures (e.g. passive voice, past modal verbs, reporting verbs)
- improve accuracy as well as develop your fluency in the speaking activities
- practise your listening skills, being exposed to motivating, challenging but achievable listening tasks, listening to authentic and colloquial spoken language
- improve your knowledge of British culture, history, trends and values
- improve all the skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the focus on building the skills that are most useful in the workplace and in searching for work
Extra costs on the course for example text book, materials or equipment:
The tutor will advise in the first lesson
For the first session you will need to bring:
A notebook and pen and pencil.
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
The college has many English for work levels, talk with your tutor who will advise you.
The Adult Learn and Train office is able to give course information or search for alternative courses for you.
Assessment before booking is ESSENTIAL. Please contact the office 01223 712340 to discuss funding and for an assessment.
Anya Rocka
January 15 (Wednesday) 12:00 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm
The Community Wing, The Galfrid School
Galfrid Rd, Cambridge CB5 8ND
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written
Course details
Brief Description:
Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written accuracy. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you’ll revisit essential grammar rules and sentence construction, ironing out the errors formed out of habit or knowledge gaps.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is ideal for learners wishing to gain E3 or L1 English Functional Skills Qualifications and want to improve their confidence in grammar.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- More confidence in your writing abilities
- Correct your work and gained more learner autonomy,
- Gained a clearer understanding of English grammar structures and apply them
- Write more complex sentences
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
There may be a course book, the tutor will confirm with you on the first day.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen for exercises
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
If you are taking this course alongside the Functional Skills course it will help you feel better prepared and more confident for the writing and presentation exams.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340 or email
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning:
January 15 (Wednesday) 5:15 pm - March 26 (Wednesday) 6:15 pm
Coleridge Community College
Radegund Rd, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
length of course
10 weeks
Course details
Brief Description: Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written
Course details
Brief Description:
Enhance your English proficiency with our Grammar Refresher Course. Specifically designed for English language learners, this course focuses on improving your language production skills, with an emphasis on written accuracy. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you’ll revisit essential grammar rules and sentence construction, ironing out the errors formed out of habit or knowledge gaps.
Previous Experience and Knowledge Needed?
This course is ideal for learners wishing to gain E3 or L1 English Functional Skills Qualifications and want to improve their confidence in grammar.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will have:
- More confidence in your writing abilities
- Correct your work and gained more learner autonomy,
- Gained a clearer understanding of English grammar structures and apply them
- Write more complex sentences
Extra costs on the course for example textbook, materials or equipment
There may be a course book, the tutor will confirm with you on the first day.
For the first session you will need to bring:
Notebook and pen for exercises
On completion of this course, what might your next steps be?
If you are taking this course alongside the Functional Skills course it will help you feel better prepared and more confident for the writing and presentation exams.
To book, please call the Adult Learn and Train office on 01223 712340 or email
Emma Louise PrattEmma is an artist and writer creating and exhibiting bodies of work for over 20 years. Since 2020, her interests have been more consciously in the medium of long form comic , otherwise known as "graphic novel". Her first completed long form work was long listed for the First Graphic Novel prize and is currently being negotiated for dramatisation. She has been a finalist and runner up in numerous painting prizes in her native New Zealand and in Spain. To find out more, see Emma's work and her teaching ideas see: her website: and Koekoeā Studio Learning: